Chapter 15-Nina

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''Adonis! Glad you finaly arrived.'' Vallerie greeted Adonis while carrying her two years old baby Damian.

''And i see you brought Nina with you. Pleasure to see you again darling.'' Nina smiled

''So nice to see you too again. Is he your son?'' Nina asked looking at Vallerie's baby.

''Yes, i'd like you to meet Prince Damian.'' Vallerie said smilling at her son, Nina smiled and touched Damians small hand.

''Well nice to meet you your highness.'' Nina giggled when the child smiled at her.

''He likes you.'' Vallerie said smilling when Damian made a grabby hand asking for Nina to carry him which she comply. Damian started giggling.

''Damn...he likes you more than me.'' Vallerie said shaking her head. Then she looked at Adonis

''I see you're doing a good job at protecting your mate from your beast...Let's see how long can you keep him at bay.'' Vallerie said mumbling the last part. Adonis growled, he doesn't know why Vallerie hated him so much. It got him curious, he was about to ask her to what was her problem againts him when a squeal interupted him.

''Nina!!!'' He saw Selena's Bright silver moon that creeps and amaze him at the same time. He never felt at ease with Selena, he feels that she can see his beast that was chained deep within him.

''Selena!'' Nina said smiling widely, Selena run to her and hug her carefully so the young prince wouldn't get crushed.

''I see that you had met the young prince. And i can already tell that he likes you so so much. Em i right little buddy?'' When Damian heard her other mother's voice he quickly streched his arms out asking for his mother to take him which Selena gladly did.

''Come, i'll show you to you're rooms.'' Selena said walking ahead, Nina and Adonis followed Adonis left his pack with the care of Ryan and his mate Eris the Gamma together with Nyx the Delta and three Epsilons. Although Nyx would be staying out in the mansion to patrol.

''How are you Nina? It's been a while.'' Selena asked while they are walking.

''I'am alright, everything was just perfect, how about you how are you?'' Selena smiled, she stops infront of a door,

''I'm fine nothing change too. Anyways this your room, then on the other side is the room assigned for your Epsilons. I'll see you later tonight for dinner, okay?'' Nina nod and hugged Selena before she and Adonis entered there room.

''Wow! Is this your room before?'' Nina asked Adonis as she explore the room.

''It's so big baby.'' Adonis heart fluttered at the endearment she used to him, he smiled

''Yeah it was my room.'' He said hugging her from behind kissing her temple.

''The beds blanket was made from the fur of the black bear that i have slayn a couple of years ago.'' Adonis said, Nina stare at the bears fur with awe.

''You're amazing you know that?'' Nina said while plopping down on the bed.

''I wanna stay here.'' Adonis layed next to Nina and Played with her hair. He smells her Hair smelling the sweet scent of Vanila.

''Hmmm...I'd like that too, but we still have a pack to take care of my love.''

''I know, i just wanted this bed. It's so soft and everything.'' The two layed for a while and just enjoyed there peace. But was soon interupptem when the doork burst open. Adonis sisters was standing at the door smilling wide. Then suddenly they jumped on Nina squeezing her into a tight hug.

''Omg!!! She's so beautiful! God Adonis why didn't you told us that you've found your mate? Why? Why?'' Kaylee asked Adonis.

''Ugh...stop it you're squeezing the life out of her'' Adonis said. Kaylee and her sisters let go of Nina.

''Hi i'm Kaylee.''

''I'm Jen''

''I'am Cassidy.''

''I'm Yuri. The most beautiful.'' The sister's groan when Yuri said that.

''If you don't mind, do you wanna hang out?'' Jen asked excitedly that she was practically bouncing up and down the bed. Nina smiled and nod her head.

''Sure, i'd like to hang out with you guys.'' The sisters squeal in excitement

''Okay! See you in a bit bye!!!!''

Author's Note: hey guys sorry for the short update.

I might not update this book weekly but i'll try my best

Thank you.

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