The Confrontation

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Just as I make my way back upstairs, thoughts still on the enigmatic man who came to my rescue, I suddenly freeze when I notice a familiar rotund figure lurking in the hallway.

Master Gerald.

My blood turns icy and the small hairs rise at the back of my neck. The degenerate has found some excuse to leave the dining room, and is now loitering in the corridor, seemingly laying in wait for me.

I take a deep breath, square my shoulders and carry on walking as if I haven't even noticed him. But just as I draw level with him he reaches out and grips me around the waist roughly.
I let out a startled squeal as he shoves me back hard against the wall, and the force of it causes my neck to whip back and bump against the oak-panels.

"Ah, little (Y/N) you thought you'd gotten away from me didn't you? Naughty girl. Methinks you need to be taught a lesson." His face comes closer and I turn my head away. His breath reeks of brandy and it makes me feel sick.

I struggle against him but he has me pinned with his lumbering body. If only I'd have been fetching a knife and not a spoon I don't think I'd hesitate to use it against this vile, predatory man.

"Stop trying to fight me, you won't win.....stupid, impudent girl!" He growls into my face, and I accidentally drop the fresh spoon onto the floor. It slips from my clenched hand with a clatter but it doesn't deter him.
His grabby-hands seem to be everywhere at once and I suddenly feel like I'm fighting an octopus.

"Stop it! No! You have no right to do this!" I cry helplessly, no longer caring if we are overheard. In fact, I want to be overheard and to hell with the consequences.

I'm just about to call out for help at the top of my lungs, when suddenly we hear rapidly approaching footsteps followed by a stern voice shouting "Take your hands off her immediately!"

Stunned, Gerald turns around and whilst he's temporarily distracted I take the opportunity to arch my leg up and knee him squarely in the crotch.
He lets out a pained howl but has no time to recover, as the person who's come to my rescue grasps him roughly by the back of his shirt collar and hauls him away from me with surprising ease.

I'm breathing erratically, adrenaline pumping through my veins, so it takes me a moment to regain my focus and realise that my saviour is once again the dark stranger.
I decide there and then that this man, whoever he is, must be my guardian angel. Sent to watch over me and keep me safe from all the horrors the world might throw at me.

"Bloody bitch!" Gerald sputters, still in pain from having been kneed in the groin.

"Do not speak to her like that, Sir!" The guest snaps.
He's still got a hold of Master Gerald's collar and by the looks of things he isn't about to let go anytime soon.
The pathetic Gerald doesn't put up any fight, even though his robust stature is far heftier than my rescuer. But he on the other hand has height as his advantage. Now he's standing, I notice just how incredibly tall he is.

"She assaulted me, Sir Thomas!" Gerald protests in his defence.

"Good, it saves me from having to do so myself!"

I blink rapidly, shocked by this dramatic revelation.
My rescuer is none other than Sir Thomas Sharpe, the mysterious Baronet. And incredibly....he seems to be angry on my behalf.

"How dare you manhandle me, Sir!" Gerald is saying now, sounding deeply offended.

"And how dare you manhandle your staff in such a way. You ought to be ashamed of yourself."

The commotion has caused quite a stir now, the noise of the two men shouting draws the other curious guests out into the hallway.
There's much excitable chatter and gasps as Major Cecil comes marching over, his bristly face a mask of outrage.

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