A Promise

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Whilst readjusting our rumpled attire, I find that in his passion, Thomas must've inadvertently torn my dress.
He is deeply apologetic, and even ashamed of having been quite so overzealous in his eagerness to make love to me.

We leave the library, and he's being adorably attentive. He repeatedly asks me if I'm alright, as he kisses the back of my hand, and I assure him that I've never felt better.

Smiling, he steers me along the path in the direction of the central shopping parade, and as we walk he even offers me his arm, which I nervously take.
I feel nervous on his behalf too, as the two of us attract curious glances from passers by. I'm painfully aware that people are gawping at the spectacle, because I'm dressed in a simple -- and slightly tattered -- maids gown, and I'm linking arms with a handsome, finely-dressed gentleman.

"Thomas, where are we even going? Everyone's staring."  My face is still flushed from our lovemaking, and now I'm blushing even more.

Thomas leans down, whispering near to my ear. "Pay no attention to them, (Y/N). They're only envious because I have the most beautiful woman in England on my arm."

I fight to suppress a smile. He's paying me a huge compliment, but I have absolutely no idea what to do with it. So I respond with humour. "Only in England? I do hope you never go to France then, or Germany--"

"Ehehe. Forgive me, I worded that badly. You are by far the most beautiful woman in Europe....the world even!"

"Oh, stop it!" I giggle at his silliness, and nudge him with my shoulder playfully.

"What? It is the Gods honest truth.." He comes to a sudden stop in the middle of the pavement, and turns to look at me fully. "You doubt me, (Y/N)? You shouldn't. You are most definitely the most beautiful woman I've ever seen."

My heart feels full to the point of bursting, and then he does the boldest, most unspeakable thing....

He bends his head and kisses me squarely on the lips, in full public view.

I feel jittery and overwhelmed by his attentions, and can't even find any words to speak as we set off walking again. I can feel dozens of pairs of eyes on me as we walk along, but now I no longer care.
With Thomas by my side, I feel invincible. Like I could take on the world --with all it's class, sexual and racial divisions -- and win.

"So...uh, you never answered my question. Where are we going?" I manage at long last.

"Oh you'll see soon enough, my darling." He says with a devilish smile. "I want it to be a surprise."

He just called me 'his' darling.
Just 'darling' is wonderful enough. But the 'my' I really like.
And it means everything to me.

After a while we come to a stop at a ladies boutique and Thomas opens the door and ushers me inside.

"W-what....what are we doing here? Thomas, I have no money and--"

"Sssh." He places the pad of his finger against my lips. "Please (Y/N) I want no objections. Your gown is beyond repair. And even if it was repairable, I shan't have you dressed in rags anymore. Now admittedly, I'm afraid my funds are limited, so I can't afford the latest designer fashions from London or Paris, but you shall have the best that I can stretch to."

I stare at him aghast. "Thomas no you mustn't. You can't afford it, and....and what will Lucille say?"

"Oh, to hell with Lucille." He says bravely, making a dismissive hand gesture as though he really doesn't care one jot for what she thinks. "(Y/N) this is nothing less than you deserve. Let me spoil you. Please?"

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