A Matter Of Business

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"Are you alright, (Y/N)?" Thomas asks gently, his breathing still a little hampered.

My cheeks are burning, which is silly I know, but I've never been in this sort of situation before. And it's not like we're in a bed, or a hayloft, with sheets or straw to hide my modesty.
His manhood is safely covered by the towel, hidden from plain view. I'm the only one standing naked, vulnerable and shivering, up to my ankles in lukewarm water.

I mange to nod dumbly, hiding behind my hair. Unable to look him in the face for fear of dying from embarrassment.
Can embarrassment be fatal? If so, then I'd better ready myself to drop on the spot any second now.

Sensing my discomfort, Thomas kindly moves away in order to fetch me a fresh towel from the bed. I immediately miss the warmth of his sturdy, masculine embrace, but I can't expect him to stand here holding me forever.
I mumble a polite thank you, and step out of the bathtub as I  hurriedly wrap the soft linen around myself.

It's awkwardly silent for a moment, as if neither of us knows exactly what to say.
Under normal circumstances, according to the books I've read, a married couple would be whispering sweet declarations of love to one another.
But we're not a married couple. And these aren't normal circumstances.

I steal a look at him as he walks over to the table, and pours himself a glass of brandy from the bottle which has thoughtfully been provided by the innkeeper.
He takes a huge glug, pulls a face, then turns to me and catches me looking at him.


I can't keep from staring though. He has such an attractive physique, and being in the presence of such an alarmingly underdressed gentleman is completely alien to me.
To think, I've touched him intimately.
Just replaying the lustful exchange over in my mind, is enough to heat and burn my insides

"Would you care for some?" He asks politely, offering me the glass.

I shake my head. "No thank you. I don't drink brandy."

He chances a small smile, "Neither do I. But on this occasion, I'm willing to make an exception."

I smile back weakly.

He swirls the liquid around, and stares into it as though mesmerised. But I know he's deep in thought.
"Was that..." His voice falters, so he clears his throat before trying again. "....was that your, um, your first time?"

My face burns hotter still, and it takes me a few moments to respond.
I mean, what exactly is he asking? Because it was my first time being touched AND my first time touching a man.
I didn't know what to do. So it wasn't my fault if I was terrible at it...
Oh Lord, I hope I wasn't...

"Yes." I reply finally. "I told you, I've never been....I've never been intimate with anyone before."

"No, I meant your first..." He stops short, and I see his own face visibly colouring.
But his curiosity clearly gets the better of him, as he persists. "What I mean is, was that the first time you've.....climaxed sexually....or not?"

My eyes round in my head like saucers, and I stare at him aghast. "Y-yes! I've never been touched by a man, and I've never done that to myself."

I see him swallow, and he raises timid eyes to mine. "I'm sorry. I shouldn't have asked you something so personal. It's just, I feel somewhat guilty. For robbing you of your innocence."

"I'm not entirely innocent." I admit defensively. "I've heard others talk about such things. And I can read."

"Alright, I shall rephrase. I feel as if I've stolen your purity." He says solemnly.. "And I'm undeserving."

Be Mine - Thomas Sharpe X Reader (Erotica)Where stories live. Discover now