Chapter Ten: The Knowledge of Kissing and its Bases

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Waddup, you guys. Sorry I haven't been uploading as quick as usual. *insert yet another lame excuse here* But here's a new chapter. 

Hope you guys enjoy it! :DDD



Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Ten: The Knowledge of Kissing and its Bases

I stared at my laptop, unable to type what I wanted to know. 

Google was used for everything and Google may have the answers. I was too embarrassed to go to the bookstore and browse through the ‘…For Dummies’ bookshelves and have Margaret, the owner of the bookstore, ask me what I’m doing in that section and not in my usual aisles. I had been humiliated once, I don’t want to go through that again if some of the people that go to the same school were there to witness me looking through a book about kissing.

Instead, I was in my room with a cup of orange soda drinking from a crazy straw and wearing a Boba Fett helmet. Why? I was afraid to be searching this up.

Biting my lower lip, I began to type in the Google search bar timidly. 

What are the bases of kissing?, I typed in, shuddering a little as I heard Kat’s voice echo in my mind.

Next time, we’ll go to second base…

I eyed my closed door for a moment, my heart hammering in my chest as I imagined a scenario of my brother bursting through the door with a knowing glint in his eyes as if he knew what I would be searching for. It may sound absurd that I would think of such a thing but I was being paranoid, afraid that I would get caught searching this. 

Get a grip, Mabel, I scolded myself, watching the arrow icon on the ‘Search’ button.

“You could do this,” I whispered, closing my eyes as I clicked ’Search’.

I was expecting alarms to sound off and the house to screech out ’Red Alert’ but again, I was being paranoid. I opened my eyes and saw the millions of result Google had found me. Hesitantly, I clicked the first result that led me to Urban Dictionary that almost made me sputter out my soda inside my helmet.

Sexual Bases.

My eyes felt like they were going to fall out of their sockets as I stared at those words. A sound came from me almost like a whine/groan before burying my face in my hands. I had no clue in anything sexual. Heck, I was being taught how to kiss by my brother’s best friend. I’ve seen movies where others kissed in which is led to sexual intercourse. I don’t think I was that brave to do anything sexual with Kat…

I froze.

Did I want to do anything sexual with her?

Forbidden images suddenly flooded into my mind as I vividly imagined Kat and I…in a bed…naked.

And…doing stuff. 

I could feel my face hot and Boba Fett’s helmet didn’t help me. Shaking my head from those images, I began to read what these sexual bases were.

1. Sexual Bases

First Base: Kissing (including French, open mouth, or just a peck). Anything above the belt can also be included.

Second Base: Anything below the belt. (Fingering for girls or hand jobs for guys).

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