Chapter Fifteen: The Wrath of a Caged Lioness

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You guys are fucking smart. I shouldn't even do Question of the Day cuz all of you guys have big imagination and get so fucking close to the main shibang of the story lolol 

Good job, padawans :DD



Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Fifteen:  The Wrath of a Caged Lioness

I didn’t want to be here anymore.

I already discovered who Kat Blacksmith was. She was an illegal cage fighter where she does her best to live another day. The reasons as to why she was a part of this lifestyle was beyond me but I was too scared to ask questions. I didn’t want her to see me here before or after her match. The possibility of seeing her for the last time tonight scared me not only out of my mind but frightened me to the deep pits of my soul. I looked back to Josh who was talking with the neighboring table that seated burly men with cigars and skinny women sitting on their laps. 

They all held a dark vibe and I was literally shaking in my shoes when the man Josh was talking to drifted his sleazy eyes towards me and smiled at me. Thank the stars Josh didn’t tell me to where a dress because I would have felt more uncomfortable than ever. I looked back to the octagon where I saw a pair of men dressed in black suits carry off the dead body out of the room. This could practically be seen as the devil’s playground. Blood, violence, drugs, and illegal activity played in this room and no one batted an eye towards that. 

I want to go home, I thought, looking around for any exit without having to go the same way Josh and I entered in but it seemed the only exits were I saw the men carry the body. Sighing inwardly, I dragged my eyes towards my lap where I began to play with the hem of my sweater, desperately hoping Josh would have a kind bone in his body and decide to take me home. But it seemed Josh couldn’t even possess that when his hand suddenly wrapped around mine in a tight grip, bringing my eyes to his.

“The show’s about to begin, Mabel,” he smirked, his dark eyes dancing with vicious triumph.

He felt empowered that my view on Kat would change but he was stupid. There are many reasons as to why Kat would be a part of this lifestyle. I can’t just listen to one side of the story and automatically turn my back. I have to hear it from the horse’s mouth before I decide such ludicrous option. 

Loud music began to play in the speakers and the announcer introduced Kat’s opponent, Luke Van Dee. Those who bidded on him cheered, standing to their feet as a dark skinned, heavily built man in white shorts entered the octagon. He jumped around the ring, grinning arrogantly as if he had just won already. Maybe he was a misogynist, thinking fighting against a woman would be a piece of cake. But as the music changed into something heavier - hardcore - did the crowd go crazy. The men Josh was talking to pumped their fists in their air, hooting, while the rest were clapping vigorously. Luke Van Dee’s grin faltered and he glared towards the left entrance where a figure began to make her way to the ring.

Although this was not the time to be attracted towards Kat, I couldn’t help but gasp at the way she looked. I had thought seeing her in her usual attire was dangerously sexy but now that I see her with my eyes practically falling out of my sockets, sexy couldn’t even fit Kat Blacksmith. She was wearing a black sports bra with black shorts reaching mid-thigh, perfectly fitting her. Her tattoos were more visible and with the way the light shown down on her, she looked like the tattooed goddess every tattooed woman tries to be. Her long, wavy hair was pulled into a bun, revealing her sharp features. She didn’t sport an arrogant grin like her opponent but a glare towards the man who stood in the middle of the ring with his arms stubbornly crossed over his chest. 

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