Chapter Twenty-Seven: When the Bookworm Becomes Bold

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Ain't this strange. A new chapter for HM,LM after all the neglect I had on it. 

I'm deeply sorry for not updating this story and the others. I've lost interest in writing because I didn't have any motivation but now I do. (Even though fall semester is starting). But here ya go. 

I hope you enjoy it and THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU for the continued support. I love every one of you. 

Oh! Forgot to put this little warning label ;)


Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Twenty-Seven: When the Bookworm Becomes Bold

(WARNING: Mature Content)

"So, Ivan's going to be a dad?"

I looked up from the menu to two pairs of eyes that belonged to Riley and Evelyn. Riley continued to look shocked at the news of Ivan being a father. I was too but not as much as him. Evelyn...not so much. She looked disinterested as always but I knew she was happy for him. Since Riley went back home to Kat, he looked ease. As all the troubles that kept him up at night flew from his mind. That glint in his eyes returned and his smiles weren't forced but more...joyful. He was his old self again. Nothing dark was plaguing his mind nor the fear kept him chained. I knew seeing Kat back home relieved him.

"Yeah..." I muttered, remembering when Ivan gushed out the news a couple days ago.

"Are you serious?"

I couldn't grasp the idea of Ivan being a father. It was too farfetched. Ivan had always said he wasn't ready for children when he was with his old girlfriend for three years. Our parents would ask him if he saw himself with a family with her but he would simply shake his head no. Now, Ivan sat there in the counter with a huge grin on his face and joy in his eyes as he stared at the ultrasound. He was going to be a father and he was excited. Our parents would be jumping in happiness and hugging him tightly. My mother would be sobbing in pure glee as she would start baby planning, perhaps calling the mother of Ivan's child to arrange everything from baby showers to baby rooms.

"I'm serious," Ivan smiled at me, glancing at me for a brief second before looking back at the ultrasound. "She's six weeks pregnant – "

"Wait. I'm confused. How is she six weeks pregnant and you're telling me this now? Who is she? I hardly seen you with someone, Ivan. How did this happen – no, don't tell me. I already know how it happened. Were you ever going to introduce me to my future sister-in-law or keep her hidden from me until the baby is born?"

"Mabel," Ivan stood up and grabbed my shoulders firmly, grabbing my attention. "I recently found out she's pregnant. I've...been ignoring her after we broke up. Those girls who kept leaving letters with you for me, they were from her – from Shannon. Her friends thought it was their job to make things right between me and her. They knew I wouldn't answer their calls so, they went to find you. The letters explained that she was pregnant and she didn't blame me if I didn't want to be a part of the baby's life. But Mabel, I want to be in the baby's life. They're much as my kid as hers. I want my child to have a mother and father in their life like we did. I'm going to be making things right with Shannon even if it means having her move in with us. that okay?"

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