Chapter Seventeen: A Dark Tale from the Past

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I just want to make one thing clear (it may sound like I'm a dick but I have to announce it). I'm a very patient and even-tempered person. I respect everyone even those who disrespect me. Writing to me is a hobby and I'm not being paid to sit down and write these chapters. Like any author whether in this site or publishing, we put our entire love and imagination to our books. We want all of you enjoy them. I was recently told - rudely might I add - that I need to update immediately because if I continue to lag it, I'm just going to lose followers. I may have rephrashed it a little bit (a lot actually because the person was writing nonsense that I didn't understand). 

Outside of this site, I have a life that depends on me going to work in order to pay my bills as well as going to school so I can get my degree in Animal Health Science and English. I recently announced that I have gotten my work schedule changed in order for it to not be interfering with my classes.The only days I have free that I'm able to relax after work are Wednesdays, Fridays, and sometimes the weekends. I take those days for granted so I can sleep and do my homework/study for my tests. I hardly go out with friends because I'm not really a social person and because I'm lazy bum. That's said, the thing I want to address is I AM NOT NEGLECTING MY STORIES JUST TO GET ENOUGH VOTES AND FOLLOWERS TO DEEM IT WORTHY ENOUGH TO UPDATE. 

I have a lot of shit on my plate and I don't need someone badmouthing me because they're sick of waiting. Well, to those who don't like waiting, I don't know what to tell you beside this site not being my main priority. 

With that said, here's the new chapter and I'm sorry you guys who have been patient and supportive have to see this bolded block of yuckness in the beginning of this update. I hope all of you guys enjoy this chapter and continue being awesome.


Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Seventeen:  A Dark Tale from the Past

"Y-your mother?"

It was hard to fully understand to what Kat had just said. Her mother put her father in prison? Her mother - the woman who gave birth to her - has taken her father out of the picture, framing him for a murder he didn't commit? All for what? It was all confusing especially when I couldn't understand how her family had any connections with her cage fighting. 

Kat glanced at me from the corner of her eye before looking back at the countertop where she drummed her fingers against it lightly. Her lips thinned into a tight line as her jaw clenched. Her body was stiff and I soon realized she was uncomfortable talking about it. That was the last thing I wanted her to do; to force herself to speak about something that's not meant to be mentioned. 

"You don't have to tell me," I whispered softly, grabbing her hand in mine.

So many emotions were exploding inside of me when I grabbed her hand. I was shocked that I even did it so boldly and afraid of the sudden shiver wracking through my body at our contact. I had thought her kisses were the death of me but just holding her hand in such an innocent way made my heart leap. I suppose it shocked her too when she gazed at me with a dazed look. Her amber eyes that once were distant and aloof seemed to be breaking because for the first time after the night I met this tattooed goddess was seeing that sorrow. 

That woe that broke her yet patched her up to be this woman. I suddenly had the urge to hug her. To wrap my arms around her and make her realize that she shouldn't be sad anymore. Whatever that brought that sorrow to her eyes wasn't here anymore to bring more grief. I wanted her to know that - so desperately, I needed her to know that. 

It was ironic the way I was wanting to comfort this woman. Me - a girl who lost her parents a year ago who needed the comfort the world couldn't give - wanted to give this woman the solace I never had accepted from others. She probably didn't want it if I consoled her. 

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