Chapter Fourteen: When the Bookworm Teams up with a Cunning Wolf |Part Two|

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Updates would be getting tricky for me, I hope you guys understand. I got a new work schedule where I work at 11pm to 7 am and I have college. Sucks but I gotta bring home the bacon yo. (Though, I don't like bacon >.<!)

Anyway, enjoy reading! :D


Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Fourteen: When the Bookworm Teams up with a Cunning Wolf


During the whole day I couldn’t wrap my head around what Josh said. 

I tried to forget about our conversation but I couldn’t. It was like my mind wanted me to be miserable and concur on various scenarios on who Kat really was. Was this the reason why Ivan didn’t want me to associate with any skinheads whatsoever? Did he know what Kat does for a living? They were best friends, after all, so he must’ve known. He knew yet he let her inside our house, throwing caution to the wind. I groaned softly, running my fingers through my hair. I was trying to do study for my AP Chemistry test in the library where I would get peace and quiet but unfortunately, my mind was anything but. 

I could hear Josh’s words screaming in my mind, bashing those formulas out of the way and forcing me to remember what we discuss. He was a leech, feeding on my fear. I was angry at myself to allow Josh to control that situation instead of me. He punched me in the face for crying out loud! Why couldn’t I stand up for myself? Why did I always let myself cower in fear than grow a backbone? It was pathetic of me to let people walk all over me. Shirley and Celeste had done it but have I learned my lesson? Apparently not when Josh has done as well. 

“Why are you doing this?” I recall asking Josh as he led me to my Spanish class once the bell had rung. 

“Because she fucked with the wrong people, Mabel,” he dug his fingers into my arm, pulling me closer to his side. “Kat thinks she high and mighty but she isn’t. She’s just like her father. A cold blooded killer.”

Her father? Was Kat’s father a killer as well? I could faintly remember Josh snapping at Kat on how she’s going to end up in jail like her father. Was her father in jail for murdering someone?

“A-and how are you going to show me?” I asked timidly, our steps slowing down as we neared my class.

Josh looked down at me and smirked, viciously. “Friday night. I’ll pick you up and show you that the rumors spreading around about Riley’s cousin are true.” He was ready to head to his class but quickly swiveled around, pushing me against the lockers with his hand wrapped around my throat. His friends quickly surrounded him, keeping other students from witnessing. “If you tell anyone about this, I won’t hesitate in doing much more than bruising your face, Mabel. Do you understand?”

Fear froze every cell of my body as I watched his eyes fill with a murderous rage. The fake politeness he had shown had melted away the moment he turned around. I don’t know how someone like him could posses such anger, it was frightening. And here I was, under his control, drinking in my fear as his hand tightened its hold on my neck making it seem how fragile I was. 

“Do you fucking understand, Mabel?” He spat out, digging my head deeper into the locker causing me to whimper again. 

“Y-yes,” I choked out, meekly.

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