Chapter Twenty One: A Blacksmith's Fading Happiness

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Here it is....

*hears screaming all over the world, wherever the padawans reside*

Enjoy! :DDD


Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Twenty-One:  A Blacksmith's Fading Happiness


            Fifteen minutes. 

That was the only time Kat Blacksmith would be able to share with him. Fifteen minutes that go as fast as snapping your fingers. It was the main reason she hates being in this place. She could never have enough time to tell him about what's been going on these past months. They mostly spent the entire time arguing with each other before it leads to Kat throwing her chair across the room whenever he brings her up. She couldn't fathom how he could utter her name without tasting acid in his mouth. As if he was deep within that sick illusion that she was perfect. 

Kat rolled her neck, wincing as she could almost feel her back burning as if she was reliving that night seventeen years ago. Her right leg was bouncing underneath the table and her fingers were drumming along the steel table; she was nervous every time she came here. Whenever she walks through the front door, her heart pounds in a frenzy beat. Her skin crawls and her stomach churns as reality continues to slap her across the face, reminding her how shitty her life turned out. The reminder of the devil winning once again in taking everything she ever loved away from her. 

The sound of her fingers drumming along the table reverberated off the walls of this closed and watchful room. The eyes on every corner burned against her skin, never letting her to loosen her tensed form. Kat sighed, her eyes never leaving the coffee stain on the table. She had this place imprinted in her mind already ever since she was a little girl. The monthly visits were so accustomed to her that she knew the correctional officers by name. Unfortunately, they all knew who Kat Blacksmith visits every month. They all knew of what occurred seventeen years ago. They all knew...

It wasn't something to hide or run away from. A Blacksmith always ends up here when they hit rock bottom except for Kat who was the only one who walked through the visitor side. Each year, she spent a birthday in this place. Her nine year old self refused to have a party where her father wasn't present so she would force Ace to convince the Warden to allow her to visit her father with no glass window separating them. She anticipated - to this day as well - every March 3rd to be able to hug her father instead of placing her tiny hand on the glass where her father's rested on the other side. 

Now twenty-six years old, she continued the tradition to celebrate her birthday here with the exception of bringing Riley with her. It's not that she hated parties but she never had a great memory of one. Before her father was arrested, Dolores never celebrated her birthday. She would give a kick to her ribs or drag a lit cigarette down her back, digging it into the base of her spine. She never did had fond memories of her childhood. She had a fucked up past that she hates with a passion - especially the woman who destroyed every sense of the world for her.

It is why Kat Blacksmith couldn't do love. It is why Kat Blacksmith couldn't trust anyone to the full extent.  It took years for Kat to trust Ace and until now, she still had him at arm's length. She was fucked up; too broken to be glued back. That's why she did her best to show as much compassion as she can muster towards Riley. She didn't want him to experience the same pain and misery she gone through. He had a taste of it and she didn't want him to go through it again. No one should go through that.

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