Chapter Two: And all the Cigarette Ashes Fall Down

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A new chapter for Hate Me, Love Me??

Yee!! The words simply flowed outta me for this chap and hopefully you like it.

Are you guys enthralled by this nameless girl? The mysterious girl who kissed Mabel? Oh man, so am I and it just been the first chapter that we all met her. lolol





Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Two: And all the Cigarette Ashes Fall Down

"Cleaning never suited you," I smirked, crossing my arms over my chest as I watched my brother picking up plastic cups from the living room floor and tossing them in the black trash bag.

He rolled his eyes, chuckling, as he continued to clean the living room. His light brown hair was messy and still a little damp from his early shower. Being my older brother, I never quite understood why girls fell for him. The way he wore those sleeveless band shirts revealing the myriads of tattoos on his arms and how those skinny jeans made him look more uncomfortable as those long, thin legs of his were hugged tightly didn't quite screamed at me 'Sexy!'. He was a lean, masculine man that took care of his baby sister from the heavy scene of drugs and alcohol yet he was the one who threw many parties back in the day and a few here and then.

But knowing me, he had no worry of drugs and alcohol entering my body since I locked myself in my bedroom everyday. Something I secretly wanted to break out of yet didn't. I saw Celeste and Shirley excitement in their eyes whenever they spoke about the weekend parties they went too. How they experienced things I wanted to do as well. How their first time of getting drunk was hardly memorable since they blacked out most of the time, how they both healed each other's hangovers, or just dancing with random guys. I wanted to live a life outside of my room but it would never happen. I was too shy and afraid of what the world would think once I've tried getting drunk or be seen dancing with strangers.

I chewed on my bottom lip, nervously, as Ivan continued to clean up the living room. I was mostly afraid of what my brother would think if he saw me coming through the front door slurring my words and tripping over my feet, drunk. I didn't want to disappoint him. We've went through so much and bringing disappointment was the last thing I wanted to do. Ivan wanted me to achieve and reach my goal as an editor. He reached his goal and build his skate shop from the ground up with his own money. Skateboarding was his passion while mine is reading.

"David told me he saw you out of your room."

I looked up and was met by his brown eyes scolding me yet held a twinge of amusement. "I, uh, was hungry and went to heat up the slices of pizza you left for me."

"So, I guess he was lying about you taking jello shots with him?"

I gave him a bland look, "Of course he was lying! You know I never had a sip of alcohol!"

Ivan smirked, tying the trash bag before tossing it near the wall, "I know. I'm your big brother, I gotta keep you away from that scene."

I nodded and went to the kitchen only to see a platter of fresh homemade pancakes, a glass of milk, and bacon. My stomach growled and served myself, knowing Ivan's food could never be resisted. My eyes slowly drifted to the window above the sink where it had the view of the backyard. Just seeing those evergreen trees brought the memory of that girl and...the kiss. The faint feeling of her soft lips against mine...

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