Chapter Fourteen: When the Bookworm Teams up with a Cunning Wolf | Part One|

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Sorry for the long wait, you guysss. My hw is piling up and it's mostly math. (UGGHHHH)

Anyway, here's the new chapter. 


Hate Me, Love Me:

Chapter Fourteen:  When the Bookwork Teams up with a Cunning Wolf

| Part One |

“So, did you have fun?” Evelyn asked me as soon as she parked her car in front of my house.

I looked down at my painted dress which suddenly brought the past events to burn my mind. My face flamed up and I did my best to not look over Kat’s direction; it was a battle I was forcing myself to win. I cleared my throat and looked up to see both Evelyn and Riley staring at me with smirks. Did they know what happen? Could they had possibly seen us making out? Oh, god, if they did I don’t think I’ll be able to live with this amount of humiliation. 

“Yeah, I did,” I replied after a long moment of silence and internal battle of embarrassment. 

“This was just baby steps, Mabel,” Evelyn’s smirk widened and those brown eyes twinkled with a lot more mischief. 

“W-what do you mean?”

“She means that you just barely stepped on the border of our lifestyle,” Riley winked at me. “We had something planned for today but since Kat decided to join us, we had to keep things safe,” he spat out that word as if it was venomous in his dictionary of life.

“Oh, really?” Kat mused, arching an eyebrow at him. “If I hadn’t gone with you guys, you would have brought Mabel in a body bag.”

“Don’t exaggerate, Kat,” Evelyn rolled her eyes at her before grinning at me with a knowing look in her eyes.

Evelyn was beginning to scare me. Although she frightened me before, just seeing her like this made me feel wary. This all led to my thoughts of them seeing Kat and I kissing. 

“I…I have to go inside,” I muttered, quickly getting out of the car and started my way towards the front door. 

The sun was setting and Ivan’s barbeque was still raging on. I could hear music and loud laughter coming from the backyard. I wondered if Ivan would be angry if he saw me entering the house at this time after I told him I would only be out for a few hours with that so called blind date. I would have to explain to him how I left the house perfectly clean and returned with paint splattered all over my dress. As I walked up the porch steps, I heard doors closing and from the bickering beginning behind me I knew Kat and the two hooligans were following me inside. 

“…I don’t understand why she would even talk to you,” I heard Riley say as I unlocked the door. “You guys hate each other. The moment she called you, she made her seem desperate enough already.”

“Tell me about it,” Evelyn muttered. 

Once I opened the door, I could hear the commotion more clearly. Booming laughter came from the kitchen where the backdoor was and I could faintly hear glass clinging. From where I stood, I could see a few people lingering in the kitchen deep in their conversation. The smell of meat wafted to me and I almost began to salivate right there and then. I hardly ate at the diner and I was too preoccupied earlier that I forgotten about my hunger. I wanted to see what Ivan was barbequing, hoping he saved me a plate. If he had invited his skater friends, I already knew that the food would be gone. Those guys could eat a mammoth and still be hungry. 

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