Chapter 7 pt 1

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I really wanted to add Nash Grier to this book, but I'm so sorry if you're not a fan of the gorgeous, blue eyed sex-god. But hey- if you are a fan of Nash Grier, you'll be pleased to know that he will now be in this book. Enjoy c;

Chapter 7 pt 1:

Drama, drama, drama!

~Courtney's POV~

It had been two weeks since school started when a very exciting day came.

Not only had I been invited to a party, (!!!) but the drama club was starting a play based on a novel written by one of my all time favorite authors, Charles Dickens and the casting was on that day. The play's called, A Tale of Two Cities; a tragic love story about a British man and woman who fall in love after he is accused of spying for the French government and she must testify on his behalf.

It was one of my absolute favorite novels when I was younger. I always admired one of the female lead, Lucy, so I decided to try out for her role. I know drama club is kinda geeky but I've always been in love with the way you can just throw on a costume and become a completely different person. I get so engaged with the acting that cowardly old Courtney disappears and I gain a ton of confidence.

Rushing from geometry to the auditorium wasn't easy, what with all the crowded hallways. But when I got there I was greeted by the most mesmerizing bright blue eyes.

"Courtney!" he said excitedly, hugging me.

"Hey Nash!" I matched his excitement and wrapped my arms around his neck, embracing his warmth.

I have to admit, I'd had a huge crush on Nash ever since we'd rehearsed lines at his house in tenth grade. Let's just say that the lines in that play were very romantic and Nash is a VERY good actor.

Plus it doesn't hurt that he's insanely hot.

"Please tell me you're signing up for Lucy? You were practically made for that part!" I giggled.

"Well actually, yeah."

"YESS!! So I won't be kissing a stranger after all!"

Wait, what?

"Hold up." I stopped dead in my tracks. "You're playing Charles Darnay?"

"Well, yeah! Who else would play the male lead?"

I never thought of that. I shrugged and continued walking to the stage.

"So you wanna audition together or something?" I asked.

"That's a great idea! And by the way.. I'm not really sure if you're into this sort of thing, but my friend Jack is having this party tonight. I'm not sure if you already have a date of not, but I'm not really going with anyone yet. I'd be happy to be a designated driver?"

"Uhh no." I said flatly.

"Um... okay. Well uh..."

Catching on to what he thought I meant by 'no', I explained, "No as in, I don't really drink, so no to a designated driver. I'd love to go with you."

He smiled widely and nervously said, "Then, uhh, I guess it's a date?"

"Sure. Pick me up around ten?"

"Kay, cool." He replied, as we finally got to the stage stairs.

"After you, milady." He bowed and gestured to the stairs, faking a British a accent. I giggled and curtseyed, then walked up the steps.

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