Chapter 11

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Chapter 11:

School Plays


I have to get the lead in the play. Courtney was obviously going to be the female lead, because she's the best, but I had a few close competitors. I had to get the lead in the play for one reason, and one reason only. Courtney. That dumbass Carter is no good for her, and if I'm not careful enough he could steal her, and then break her heart.

I normally hate Mondays, but today we would get the results in for who plays what role in the play. Once Courtney got the lead, she'll be in a really good mood, so that's when I would ask her for her forgiveness. I know letting go of her hand at the party when Ruby was being all.. Well.. Ruby..; was a mistake as soon as I did it and I felt like such an idiot for doing that to her, instead of standing up for her. But today is a new day. Today is the day I will make it up to her.

Since the results weren't posted until lunch, I had to wait until then in anticipation. I was sitting in advanced trigonometry class, writing my notes, when the bell finally rang. Finishing up my last definition, I quickly grabbed my school bag and ran to the caf, so I could get to the bulletin board. Running through the halls, I noticed people leaving their own classrooms, and giving me dirty looks for running. I almost got to the cafeteria, when a teacher yelled, HEY! NO RUNNING IN THE HALLS! HEY KID! STOP! But I didn't even slow down, let alone stop running. I finally reached the cafeteria doors, which were right beside the bullatin board where all the 'drama geeks' were surrounded. Courtney and I got there at the same time, and squeezed through the group to see that... I got the lead!! And so did she!!

I turned to Courtney and she looked back at me. Her excited smile started to fade so I quickly hugged her as hard as I could, even lifting her off the ground. I whispered, over all the rest of the noise and screams, "I'm sorry."

She hesitated, and replied, "it's okay."

~Carter's POV~

"So you just forgave him? Just like that? And now you're going to kiss him in the play?" I asked, trying not to come off jealous, but it wasn't working.

"Calm down there tiger. I forgave you pretty damn quickly too if I remember correctly." She replies, laughing. I couldn't argue with that. But it didn't make me feel any better.

"I gotta go. I'll see you later?" I ask, getting up out of the cafeteria chair.

"Yeah, bye." She smiles widely and looked me directly in the eyes. I swear at that fraction of a second I fell in love a million times.

I left to go look at the audition results for the hell of it. All the parts were filled up, except the bottom said, IN NEED OF AN UNDERSTUDY FOR THE ROLE OF SYDNEY CARTON

Underneath was a peice of paper and a pen, but no body else had signed up. I've read A Tale Of Two Cities enough times to know who Sydney Carton was, and I had aced all my drama classes I took in middle school. I looked back at Courtney who was enjoying her food, and then to Nash who was sitting and talking with some drama geeks. I became angry and jealous, picking up the pen and signing my name. Maybe what I did wasn't right, but it was the only thing that had felt in my control since I met Nash. I put the pen down and left to start walking to class.

~Courtney's POV~

Once Carter left, I was eating my food by myself when Ruby walked up to me.

"Have fun sucking Carter's dick, whore?" She asked in a bittersweet tone.

"What the hell are you talking about, Ruby?" I ask, annoyed.

"While we were making out at Jack's party, he randomly jumps up and goes to your house, slut."

"What the hell- are you stalking him or something?" I asked, freaked out. This was getting really weird.

She sighed, "no, you dumb bitch. I saw Hailey's Snapchat story. "

I felt like and idiot. I stared at the floor. My head blanked as she was going on about me being a slut and stealing her boyfriend. Suddenly, she slammed her hand on the table and I looked up at her. So did almost everyone else. She was staring at me angrily, and I was mostly confused. She made her face closer to mine and whispered,

"If you do so much as talk to Carter, I will personally kick your ass until you can't fucking walk. You got that?"

If there were two things Ruby did not do, it would have to be: making empty threats, and losing at a fight. I had never fought anyone before. Except for the time when I was twelve, and my mother's boyfriend at the time was over and tried to come onto me.

He had backed me into my bed, grabbed both my wrists and with force, he had pinned me down on my bed. The only reason I got away from him that night was because I bit his hand so he would let go of one arm. I grabbed my dad's old metal zippo lighter that I kept under my pillow for years, and hit him in the temple with it as hard as I could, and ran away, locking him in my room and called my mom. I had never told anyone about that before, but it had been one of the scariest nights of my life.

Sitting in my cold, plastic chair in the middle of the cafeteria, I knew that this was a very terrifying moment for me also. I would lose Carter. And I would be alone again. Sure, I had Nash. But he wasn't my best friend. He didn't make me laugh as much as Carter did. He didn't make me as happy as Carter did. I needed Carter. But I couldn't even talk to him. And that made my entire body ache. It was like a strange addiction, and I was going through withdrawal. That was the terrifying part. It was terrifying, irritating, and depressing. My life had suddenly become very depressing...

A/N Hey, sorry I haven't updated in a while again, but there's some stuff going on rn. I'll try harder to update faster though. Xoxo,

Paige Smilees

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