Chapter 10

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Chapter 10:

Disney Land


I nervously unlock my phone to read a text from Courtney.

Courtney: Hey, I'm bored. Wanna hang out or something?

I sigh out of frustration, because I literally cannot say no to her.

Carter: Okay. I'll be there soon.


I pull up to her house and wait, playing a game on my phone. She comes out the front door in gray Roots track pants and a tight, black long sleeve top.

"Hey." She greeted me happily, getting in the passenger seat.

Oh god. Her smile.

"Hey" I greet her back nervously, refusing to make eye contact.

"So, where are we going?" She asked excitedly. Her pink lips parted to show perfectly straight, whight teeth.

Holy fuck I'm dying here. Play it cool.

"You'll see." I manage to smile back, and the second our eyes meet, I have to snap my head back on the road. Feeling embarrassed, I try to offer her some gum, so that she'll stop smiling and chew.

Stop smiling and chew.

That's what she said.



She turned it down politely and we pulled into the drive through of a McDonalds. There was a car in front of us,  so we had time to decide on our orders.

"What do you want to eat?" I asked. I already knew what I was getting.

"Uh, a chicken ceasar wrap with fries and a coke?"


We ordered, got our food, and continued driving for another hour or so. We talked about random shit, normal shit, and everything in between. We never ran out of things to say. Once I remembered that feelings or not, it was the same old Courtney, my nerves floated away to make room for happiness. I couldn't imagine a day that could be better than that one: a whole day with her.

"Okay, where the hell are we going?!" Courtney asked excitedly.

"I guess you'll know when we get there, huh?" I said, mischeviously, which earned me a glare from her. I laughed, she's cute when she's mad.

We parked in a Walmart parking lot a couple blocks from where we were going, got out of the car, and started walking into the Walmart.

"You drove me around for an hour, to take me to a Walmart?" Courtney asked, astonished.

"Unfortunately, no. But you're in track pants and a long sleeve, this is late september in California, and we'll most likely be spending all day outside. So we're here to pick up some stuff."

We shopped around Walmart for about an hour, picking up a tee shirt with a pocket and some shorts for Courtney, along with some sunscreen. We didn't need food since there were places to get food inside our tedious but extraordinary destination. I know it sounds crazy, that something can be tedius, yet extraordinary at the same time, but let's ge something straight here- this is a frikin' magical place we're talking about. This is Disney Land.

Okay, shutup, yousoundlikeafiveyearold.

We finally left again and pulled into the parking lot of Disney Land. We walked around to the line and I bought both of our tickets despite her objections. From the moment we entered the park I saw the smile on Courtney's face and remembered last night. When everything clicked in my head. It was like that Fault in Our Stars quote that I see all over the internet. Something like "I fell in love like you fall asleep. Slowly, then all at once." Yeah, I think that's how it went.


We went on some rides and played some games, then went to the candy store and before we knew it, we were chugging those giant colored sugar tubes in the dark. The lights were on all over the park, and it looked amazing. Let alone the fire works that would start at any given moment. I wanted something to bring home with me to remember today, and since Courtney and I had been taking pictures on my phone all day, we decided to look for one of those places that print out your pictures that they take while you're on the ride; since I heard that you can pay them to print off pictures from your phone. While we were on our way there, the fireworks started and I couldn't helf but be totally amazed.

I took a picture of it, then a selfie of me and 'Court with the fireworks in the background. We watched them for a bit longer, but eventually got tired and decided to go home. I didn't end up getting those pictures printed off, and Courtney fell asleep in the middle of me talking during the car ride home.  But overall it was an amazing day. And Courtney's still pissed as shit at Nash, so that's a bonus.

Hey guys! I am so sorry I haven't updated in months! I have no excuses other than I forgot. But luckily, you can all thank the total stranger to me- melissa101285 for riminding me by commenting, telling me to update! So go follow her bc melissa, you're my new best friend and I'm probably creeping you all out and being a total loser so have a lovely day all of you! Muah!

Paige Smilees

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