Chapter 8

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Sorry it took me so long to update, guys!! My phone just broke and I usually do my writing on there so everything's really screwed up for the time being. But I'm doing my best and I will be getting a new cell really soon.

Chapter 8:

Friends, Fights, And Unspoken Feelings

~Courntey's POV~


"Oh, hey Courtney!" She greeted me, like we'd been friends forever, but it was very obvious to me that she was faking her perfect-teethed-smile. I stood there silent, staring at the floor. I felt small and weak in her presence. Her eyes moved to mine and Nash's intertwined hands, and then back to Nash. They dated once, but as soon as Nash found out what Ruby was actually like under that pretty exterior, he broke up with her.

"You can't get herpes from holding hands, right? Just looking out for ya', Nash." She remarked in a positive voice and loosely punched him in the shoulder as if she were an older sibling or something.

Nobody said a word. Not even Carter, my best friend, who said that he'd protect me no-matter what. I even felt Nash's grip loosen against my hand and tears started to form in my eyes. I couldn't believe the people around me. I couldn't believe myself, and therefore hated every part of me.

I ripped my hand away from Nash and shoved through all the people on the way down the stairs. Tears started falling down at a rapid pace, but it didn't matter. I finally reached the door and got outside. Breathing in the cool night's air, I took out my phone.


Although my teary vision was blurred, I could still barely see the phone screen and was able to call my mom.

"Hey, Hun. How's the party?" She asked, the tv sounds in the background.

"Uh, I'm not really willing to talk about that right now..." I chose my words carefully, not wanting her to make a big deal of this.

"Everything alright?"

"Yeah, mom. I'm fine. I just really need a ride home."

"Sure, sweetie. Be there in ten."

"Okay. I'll text you the address. See you soon." I said, hung up, and began texting the address.

"Courtney!" I heard a familiar voice call from behind me. I hesitantly turned my head to see Carter.

"What is it, Carter? Want to defend your girlfriend? Tell me that she was only joking? That I lack a sense of humor? Because I don't want to hear it!" He was supposed to protect me.

He looked up at the sky, his face showing fierce pain. Then he looked at me, eyebrows raised, slight sad smile.

"No, Courtney. That's not what I came to tell you. I just..." He spoke softly, then bit his bottom lip until it started to bleed. I started to feel bad for him. Although, whatever he was trying to tell me seemed to mean quite a lot to him and I was curious, so I caressed his shoulder.

"Carter, you can tell me whatever it is that's troubling you." I spoke softly.

He took a deep breath and opened his mouth to speak when my mom pulled up in her car beside us. We were standing in the middle of the driveway.

"Hey, Hun. Ready to go?" She asked. I looked at Carter who slightly shook his head. I gave him a puzzled look.

"Go on." He whispered. "it can wait."

I nodded gratefully and got in the passenger seat of my mom's silver 2012 Nisson car.

"Bye, Carter." My mom said and waved. He nodded and we drove off.

~Carter's POV~

I couldn't believe that I almost told Courtney that I think I have feelings for her.

This is bad. This is very bad.

I knew that I couldn't like her. I was now pretty sure that I was in a relationship with Ruby. And I knew that there was obviously something going on between Courtney and this Nash kid. In fact, I was walking back into the house when I saw him running towards me.

"Is she okay? Where'd she go?" I glared at him for a moment.

"Her mom came to pick her up thanks to you, asshole." I spat.

"Excuse me? What did I do?" he acted all innocent.

"As if I didn't see that hand-thing."

His face softened, guilty looking almost. then he looked back up at me, angry. Ferocity shone through his eyes.

"More like thanks to your fucking girlfriend!"

"She made one fucking joke! She thought she was being funny!"

"Say whatever you want, but you'll have to face facts eventually. Your side bitch was being exactly what she is. A cold-hearted bitch. No more. No less. And it's her fault that the most amazing girl in the world is now hurt! And you know what? You didn't do shit about it!"

I gave into my anger and shoved him with much force. Then he shoved me back so I tackled him to the ground and punched his face multiple times before he got the upper hand and rolled on top of me. Every hit he took to my face was bombarded with emotion. He wanted to hit me. Badly. Which made me even more angry. The guy had no right to hit me; he stole Courtney.

He struck me in the nose so hard that I saw massive amounts of blood pouring out of my face and onto he ground. Seeing the blood scared me so I kicked him in the knee cap and he rolled off of me. Then I got up and kicked the side of his torso while he groaned in pain but he grabbed my leg and pulled hard, sending me crashing onto the ground. I winced in pain, and expected him to hit me more, but he didn't. I rolled over to my side, to see him limp to his car, and eventually drive away, which is when I blacked out.


When I came to, I was disoriented and lying down on a bed so I propped myself up on my shoulders to find out where I was. Looking around the room, I saw that it was a regular teenage guy's bedroom, except it was a lot larger. Posters of cars, trucks, band logos, and women in bikinis collaged the off-white walls, along with windows and a lot of expensive looking furniture and a full-on pimped-out gaming center, complete with every single version of xBox out there, six high-def flatscreen televisions, and the coolest gaming chairs I had ever seen. They were like lava laps in the shape of chairs, with padding on them. I looked down at my clothes which were the same as before, except with blood and dirt stains all over.

I started to freak out, since I had no idea where I was, so I walked over to the first door I saw, and opened it to find that it was just a closet. Then I moved onto the next door I saw and opened it to find that it was a bathroom. Finally, I reached the last door and opened it.

Where the hell am I?

OOOOOOOH Cliffhanger!! Wondering what happens next? Well don't look at me! *Whistles unsuspiciously*
Anyways, Xoxo,

Paige Smilees

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