Chapter 1: Narrow Escape

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Meet Raine Mari Lancaster ------ >

Dedication for live4thenight - Its simple really, she created one of my favorite stories on Wattpad -   Wolf Prints - and I hope to see more of it soon.

Please, comment, vote, fan, whatever, just let me know what you think. Should I continue or not?


Alone… That’s all I’ve ever been is alone. The girl’s dark blue eyes drifted over the busy streets, as she tried to keep to the shadows. She sighed, and decided it was about time for her to move on, before she was found by the local pack. Somehow she had been lucky enough to evade them for a week, but she could feel in her very existence that that would soon change.

            Raine Mari Lancaster was the young girl’s name, and she had forever been alone. Unable to bend to the will and commands of the dominants of her race, she had lived the life of a rouge, for as long as she could remember. Rain walked down the clustered streets, until she came to a more quite place. Turning down a long dark alley, she shifted, into what looked to be a black wolf, with sky blue eyes.

            Everything about the wolf, matched her human appearance as well. Raven black hair, and stunning blue eyes. Even down to the fact that she was small, especially for a werewolf. 

            The girl’s wolf was even small enough to be mistaken for your everyday dog, but there was nothing small about both the strength and stamina that the little wolf had compact into her small body. That and her personality… it was in a class of its own.

Lonely… The wolf inside cried, and the girl couldn’t help but agree, even as she trudged along down the alley way. Currently, Rain was in San Fransico, but she where she was planning to head next, she herself hardly even knew. Quite frankly, the lone female traveled where ever she felt, simply trying to find a place where she belonged. She was going to try  Massachusetts next. It was the only state on the continent of North America where she hadn’t ever been.

The fae had even made it to Russia, France, and London, before ever dreaming about going to the  bay state. The raven haired girl had woken up in the Capitol of the United States, with no memory, and only one form of identification, a piece of paper with quick scrawlings, listing her name, age, and birthdate. She also had found a bank card, that gave her access to around 30,000 dollars. Where the money had come from, she obviously didn’t know, and she rarely used it except to travel outside of the U.S.

The girl could’ve probably cared less for the amount of money, for she didn’t earn it herself, so why should she use it?  In fact she hardly ever relied on it, only dishing into it for the latter, and if her pocket cash was low, for food. But she was a wolf, hunting took care of that.

Raine!! Her wolf called, a rushed hint to her tone, causing the girl to snap out of it. She looked up, only to find herself face to face with a male warrior of the Sundown Pack, which was claimer to the land she was currently standing on.

The man starred at her, taken in the fact that she was a rouge, female, werewolf, with wide, unbelieving eyes. Raine took two steps backwards and then bolted, “Well Key…” She said, referring to her wolf, “I think it’s time we left.” Rain muttered aloud, even though she could’ve kept quiet and ‘thought’ the message to her partner in crime.

Rain had managed, somehow, to mask her werewolf scent in human form. Of course, it wasn't all gone, there were still remnants, but not just your average wolf would be able to pick up on it. An Alpha, maybe, but usually it would have to be a pretty strong one. Now in her wolf form... here is where the problem lies. You cannot, obviously, mask the fact that you just shifted into a beast of nature. So obviously, the man in front of her knew she was a female, werewolf.

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