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A/N: Hey guys I think you'll enjoy this chapter. It's the beginning of a whole bunch of feels okay WOOH *fans self*

Also I added a new character his name is Nate and I only added him to be Tobias' best friend and maybe he will get in some romance but not with Tris I can assure you that! I've already got a ship with Nate in mind ;)

Tris' POV

A week has passed since the kiss. I haven't spoken to Tobias since, even though I want to. I occasionally do see him in the hallways, but he never says anything. Just looks at me with a pained expression before he snaps his attention back ahead of him.

Susan and Caleb have definitely been holding hands under the table in the cafeteria. One day I pretended to drop my napkin on the floor and saw them before they could move. Caleb can trust me with that secret, though.

Robert has also gotten a lot more touchy. Every time we walk home together with Susan and my brother, he swings his arm around my waist, and Caleb gives us a questioning glance.

At lunch, too. Susan and Caleb are basically attached at the hip, so Robert will sit next to me across from them. But he is always a little too close, and recently he puts his arm around my waist in the cafeteria, too. And I can practically feel a pair of eyes on us from the fifteen year old Abnegation table. And the whole thing makes me sick to my stomach.

But everyday I won't tell Robert to remove his hand, or to scoot away a little further. And I want to, but I don't want to face Roberts reaction to that, so I pretend his hand is just a lingering breeze, and I don't lean into his shoulder when he is less than two inches away, and I ignore the eyes burning holes in the back of my neck, while I'm at it.

Tobias' POV

A week has passed since the kiss. I haven't spoken to Beatrice since, even though I want to. I occasionally do see her in the hallways, but I never say anything. I just look at her with a pained expression before I remember and force my eyes away from her.

I want to talk to her. Desperately. I'm not even sure why, we barely met, and she's two years younger than me, but I have an urge to get to know her, but I won't let myself.

I think the real reason is not because if I do and her brother tells, I will get punished by my father no doubt, but I don't want her to get in trouble with her parents for something that wasn't even her fault.

The buzzing of the Upper Level cafeteria reminds me of where I am and tears me from my thinking.

I sigh and rip another piece off my bread and stuff it in my mouth. Cafeteria bread tastes slightly different than the kind we eat at home but I ignore it.

"Tobias, you've been down all week." Nate says with a scowl. Nate has been my best friend since we were little kids, and he lives right next door, too. He has blonde hair, dark brown eyes, and freckles that litter his arms and face. "Stop thinking about her, dude."

I stop tearing the bread into pieces and rest my head in my hands and groan.

"I'm trying. I just...I don't know! I want to talk to her." I add the last part in quietly.

"About what?" He asks, genuinely curious and concerned.

"I'm not sure...maybe to apologize?" It comes out more as a question than a statement, and Nate's eyebrows raise.

"Sure. that's it." He rolls his eyes sarcastically. "But either way, it wasn't really your fault. Didn't you say somebody pushed you?" He asks.

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