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I woke up on Jon's bed and him sleeping on the floor beside me.

"Jon... Jon..."


he sat up, that's a first.

"I need my shit, which Luke still has and I don't think he wants to see me right now..."

"I got you.. I'll go get your stuff, stay here okay and there's some cold medicine in the washroom just have some and you'll feel better, I'll make you soup when I get back"

"Jon your not my mom"

"when my friend is sick Jon goes full mother mode"

I laughed a little

"there's my happy Ryan, okay okay I'll stop being a mom and get your shit already."

I checked the alarm clock, 5:43 I can shower and go to school and give David his- his jacket... right...

I look down and can't help but frown, I wish it was Luke's jacket, I wish I never ran from him in the first place, I hate myself.

I got the medicine and took some, wow did I feel so much better already, I get back under the warm covers and just wait... it got boring so I looked around Jon's room more thoroughly than ever before.

I saw a little bit of paper sticking out from a black binder on Jon's dresser, I picked it up and read the title.


that's all it said, I opened it. first thing I saw was a photo of Jon when he was maybe 10... 12?

he was sitting on a bench resting his head on a young Luke who was focused on his phone, I turned the page, 4 photos.

the first one was Jon hugging Luke and smiling, Luke was smiling too.

the next one had Jon sitting on Luke's shoulders like a piggy back ride, Luke was laughing it seemed and Jon was smiling his face off.

the third one was of a younger Luke and Jon reading some comic books together, they looked about 7 or 8... I didn't know they've been friends THIS long

the last one on the page was Jon crying while Luke was sitting beside him laughing, Luke also had a cast on his arm. 

it was like a photo album of friend ship

I flipped to the end, it was blank assuming Jon hasn't filled it yet... I went backwards searching for the most recent page, I found it..

it had 4 photos again but this time the photos had small hand written captions.

the first one looked like it was taken during summer Jon and Luke wearing the same funny looking sunglasses on what looks like is a beach, they both made funny faces the caption read

"Me and Luke got some clout"

I looked at the second one, it was kinda blurry it looked like were at a party, Luke was holding a red solo cup and Jon was playing beer pong, Luke also had his hand wrapped around a girls waist.

"Luke's gonna get laid tonight ;) BUT he told me it's gonna be a one night stand because he doesn't like her :("

I went to the third picture, it was Jon and Luke in front of Luke's car, the car had a big red ribbon on it like it was a gift, this time it was Luke hugging Jon.

"I helped get Luke a new car for his birthday/ the first day of school.. love you lots buddy <3 <3"

I smiled, Jon seemed like the perfect best friend.

the final photo is of Luke who looked like he was crying and his hand looked like it was trying to slap the camera out of Jon's hand

"Luke hopelessly falling in love, what a rare sight! I must document this, I wish he'd just be strong and tell people about his suedgxuarbloitppy"

the last word looked like it was smudged and erased and written over, I wish I could fucking read it.

I heard the door open and close, I put it back where I found it and got under the covers and acted like I was sleeping.

"Here's your stuff, Luke also says he's sorry and I'm sorry for setting him up..."

"oh it's fine I'll get over it... I hope..."





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