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"Lex, please." The girl begged. "Let me explain."

"I don't need an explanation." Lexa shook her head. "I know what I saw that night."

"I was drunk." The girl shouted.

"Costia, you need." Lexa said calmly. "I don't need you or your stupid excuses anymore."

"I'm not making excuses." Her voice calmed. "I never wanted this to happen."

"Well it did." Lexa said. "Now get out of my room."

The girl got up from Lexa's bed and walked over to Lexa's desk and kissed her goodbye. Lexa pulled away, shocked, and glared at the girl. "Don't ever touch my lips again."

"That was goodbye for good." The girl said, exiting her dorm.

Lexa got up from her desk chair and jumped onto her bed. She got her phone from her bedside table and played some Guns N Roses. Paradise City was her song. It helped her escape all the madness of her life. She needed it after Costia cheated on her and left. After her family sent her to this stupid boarding school.

"Take me down to the paradise city where the grass is green and the girls are pretty." Lexa sang along.

After laying there, on her bed, listening to Bon Jovi and Guns N Roses, she got up to go to her classes. She couldn't ditch all of her classes. She needed to go to college and get a good job. She needed the scholarship. She didn't want her parent's money for college.

She made her way to the calculus class which was somewhat close to Ark Hall. Just a three minute walk. She entered the mathematics building where every math class was held. She entered the first room on the left and took her seat in the back, next to the window.

Then the teacher came into the classroom and began the lesson. Lexa nearly fell asleep during his lesson. He made classes boring and hard. He taught the most complicated way to solve the problems. When the bell rang, Lexa shot up from her chair and scurried out of the building.

She dropped off her book at her dorm and went to the coffee shop. The coffee shop was very empty for a Wednesday. There were at least five people sitting around, doing work on their laptops. Lexa had gone there to see if Anya was there. Anya would get out of class in a few minutes.

"Large Vanilla Mocha." Lexa told the lady behind the counter.

"Three fifty." The girl said and Lexa handed her the cash.

The lady went and made the mocha quickly and then gave Lexa the drink. Lexa walked away from the counter and sat down at a two person table.

Not long after, Anya walked into the shop and took her seat across from Lexa. "Hey Lex, you look depressed."

"I'm splendid." Lexa sarcastically remarked.

"Don't get pissed at me." Anya snorted.

"Just having a great day."

"What happened?" Anya asked.

"Costia came to visit and she kissed me." Lexa deadpanned.

"Well damn." Anya chuckled and Lexa glared at her. "Okay, Okay. What did you tell her?"

"To get out and leave." Lexa said, leaving out the part about not touching her lips ever again.

"Okay, that's an easy let down." Anya said.

"It wasn't a let down." Lexa said. "I told her to get out of my life."

"Someone is triggered." Anya joked and Lexa glared at her. "Can't I try to cheer you up?"

"Nope." Lexa shook her head.

"Maybe a certain blonde could help you." Anya smirked.

"Piss off." Lexa laughed.

"You totally like her." Anya gasped.

"Do not." Lexa shot back.

"You do too."

"Whatever you say." Lexa got up and threw her mocha away. "I'll see you later." Lexa waved and exited the building.

Lexa returned to her dorm and sat down at her desk, looking through the group chat.

Raven- Good morning.

Harper- Morning. Who's up for kayaking this weekend?

Echo- Sounds fun. Where?

Harper- Polis Lake. Just a few hours away.

Octavia- We should rent a van and all ride together!

Anya- sounds like a horrid idea.

Lexa- I'll go. I hear there is an island for kayaking visitors.

Raven- I want to go to that island.

Octavia- Sign me up! Clarkie, you should go!

Clarke- maybe. might return home for the weekend.

Raven- Don't be a party pooper. You and your depressing life.

Clarke- I said maybe. geez

Lexa put her phone down and got out her calculus homework. She had another class in forty minutes so she'd try to finish her calculus homework before that next class.

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