Lexa was sitting on the edge of her bed, reading a book. She had a whole bookshelf full of books. Most of them were either romance or mystery. Lexa's mind was on Clarke's smile though. She couldn't get it out of her head. It was like a permanent sight she couldn't ever erase.
"Hey Lexa!" Anya shouted, entering Lexa's dorm.
Anya's footsteps got louder as she walked to Lexa's room. Lexa put down her book to greet Anya. Anya however just greeted her with a smile and sat down on Lexa's bed.
"How was Go Karting?" Anya asked.
"It was fun." Lexa said. "How was your date?"
"Oh, it was great." Anya smirked.
"I can tell. You spent two days with whoever it is." Lexa laughed.
"You ready for classes today?" Anya said, trying to change the subject.
"I guess." Lexa sighed. "I just wish that I could stay here all day."
"And why's that?" Anya asked with a goofy tone.
"I want to read my books." Lexa gave her a straight look.
"Oh bull." Anya chuckled.
"Whatever." Lexa punched her in the arm slightly.
"Why don't you want to go to classes though?" Anya let a small smile creep onto her face.
"I'm very tired." Lexa sighed. "I'm serious."
"How are you tired?"
"I stayed up late last night. Couldn't sleep."
"Mhm." Anya grinned.
"Don't get any ideas." Lexa glared.
Anya nodded, holding her smile back. Lexa got up from her bed to get a bag of potato chips out the kitchen. It wasn't really a kitchen. It was more of a counter, microwave, mini fridge and a few cabinets kind of kitchen. Lexa jumped back onto her bed, opening the bag.
"I've got to get to class." Anya said.
"See you later then." Lexa waved.
Anya exited the dorm and Lexa went back to reading. She still couldn't focus on the book. It was like seeing something you shouldn't as a child and it's in your head for weeks. This wasn't something Lexa wasn't supposed to see though. This was different.
Lexa sat the book down and laid back on her bed. She couldn't focus no matter what. It was like impossible. Lexa's phone started to ring. That was not normal. The only people with her number were the girls at the school and her brother.
Lexa answered the phone, cautious about it.
"Hello?" Lexa said. "Who is this?"
"Hello." The familiar voice said calmly. "Do you remember me?"
"I'm not sure who this is." Lexa gulped.
"That's a shame." She pouted. "We used to date, didn't we?"
"C-C-Costia?!" Lexa almost shouted.
"You remember!" She cheered.
"What do you want?" Lexa sighed.
"To talk to you."
"Well, you literally cheated on me, moved away like it was nothing and never even called." Lexa started shouting.
"That was like THREE years AGO." The girl said angrily.
"What do you want or I'm hanging up." Lexa shouted.
"I was coming to Arkadia with my class." The girl said. "I wanted to stop bye and say hi."
"Say hi?!" Lexa shouted. "Well for one, I don't want to see you. Two, visitors aren't allowed on campus unless family and three, you are probably just lonely."
"Lexa.." She said. "I miss you."
"Well I don't." Lexa calmed down. "I wish I'd never met you."
"I don't think that." The girl said.
"Bye Costia." Lexa murmured as she hung up the phone.
Clarke stumbled into her first class which was embarrassing. She was obviously several minutes late which would not help her reputation. Everyone stared at her as she stumbled. No one laughed, they just watched her.
"You're late Ms. Griffin." The teacher clarified.
"Sorry sir, I couldn't find the class." Clarke muttered.
"That's fine, considering you're still new." He sighed. "You can sit next to Echo."
Clarke saw the empty desk next to Echo, almost in the very back of the class. Everyone watched her walk to the empty desk and sit down.
"Literature sucks." The girl next to her whispered.
"I guess." Clarke mumbled.
"You went with us to the fun center, right?" The girl whispered.
"Right, you kicked all of our asses." She smiled.
"I guess so."
"Echo, would you like to make a trip to the discipline office?" The teacher said.
"No, sir." Echo said.
"That's what I thought, now pay attention to the lesson." He said. "Or you can fail miserably with Ms. Woods."
There were a few snickers that went around the class. Everyone looked at Echo, waiting for a response.
"I'm good, sir." Echo smiled innocently.
Class finally was dismissed after an hour and a half of article reading and lectures. Clarke grabbed all of her books and headed out and back to her dorm.
She entered her dorm to Octavia and Raven shouting at each other, muffled by the wall but still hearable.
Clarke made her way, passed their room, to her room. She sat her books down on the desk and plopped down onto her bed. She slipped her headphones on and tuned out the world.

Everything's Changed
Fanfic(this is kind of poorly written) Clarke lives in TonDC, New Jersey and she's seventeen. She's been bullied almost all of her lie. She has no friends and she has a very dreaded past and she can't forget what happened. She has a ton of problems that s...