Lexa had a plan. A very dangerous plan that would- no risk- everything that mattered to her. Her family, best friends, exes, her girlfriend, and even her humanity. And if it failed, she'd give up all of those things.
She had a plan set and she wasn't going back. Hesitation wouldn't help her by taking the next step forward. It would only set her back. Was she hesitant? Yes, of course.
She had informed both her parents and her friends. She informed Aden and Anya too. Were they questioning her plan? Yes, of course. It was risky, irrational, impulsive, and based all on emotion. Anya and Aden of course questioned why she was making this irrational decision. But they couldn't stop her.
But Raven, Octavia, Echo, and Harper were blinded by getting Clarke back and not realizing what this could cost them all. They were absolutely all for the plan. A very impulsive mistake.
Lexa's parents were far past thinking Lexa was either delusional or she was just actually mentally broken to the state where she could give everything for this girl. Was it worth it? Was it worth her family, the people she had grown up with. The people who watched her take her first steps, loose her first pet, loose her first tooth, or let her be born into this world.
It was around two hours till midnight and they were getting ready for their 'master plan' that could either blow up in their faces, killing them all, or succeeding and winning for now. They all wore black and had weapons that they could carry without getting tired through the walk to the bunker.
Lexa had two knives in her boots, two guns in holsters on both sides of her waist, a shotgun on her back, and a bullet-proof vest on. Everyone had a bullet-proof vest but they didn't have as many weapons as Lexa did. They either had a knife and a gun or just a gun.
Before they set out, Lexa felt her father's hand rest on her shoulder. She looked at him with pleading eyes to let her go. She needed to do this. She felt adrenaline through her veins, autopiloting herself. She wasn't going to give up and Lexa's father knew this. Once she was set on a plan, there was no going back. He also knew she was doing this off of what she knew and how she learned.
"Please, father." Lexa said quietly. "You need to let me go."
"I'm not letting you go alone, nor is your mother." He said with a small, weak smile.
Gustus grabbed a gun and so did Indra. "We're in this as a family."
"Promise me if this fails that you love me no matter what." Lexa said. "Promise me."
"We could never blame you if this fails." Gustus said.
Lexa nodded and she opened the back door that lead to a clearing and then the woods. They walked silently and quickly to the bunker that wasn't too far into the woods but far enough where no one could hear screams.
When they finally got to the bunker, Lexa opened the hatch and went down the metal and rusty ladder first. Then followed her parents and then Anya. Raven, Octavia, Echo, Harper, and Aden in the following.
The bunker was pretty big, maybe three or four rooms at least. The narrow hallway they stood in lead to the main room and then the other three or fours rooms.
Lexa put a finger up to her mouth and then walked forward silently. She pulled out a gun from a holster and held it up cautiously as she moved. And when she encountered two men, she knocked them out with hand-to-hand combat so she wouldn't cause a commotion this early into the plan.
Lexa signaled for them to move forward and they did. When she entered the main room, there were the important people of the gang, sitting around a table. The meeting looked important. Cage sat there at the end of the table, hands folded and his greasy as ever. He looked as he were wearing a suit and tie. But he wasn't. Just the normal, gang jacket and decent looking jeans.
Everyone stood up, pulling out a gun or knife, ready to fight. But Lexa was outnumbered. She was determined either way. She shot two guys and the took a guy and put him in front of her, pulling a knife out of her boot and holding it up to his neck.
"Move and I cut his neck." Lexa threatened. "I hear he's pretty important."
"He can be replaced." Cage said formally and stood up elegantly from his seat. "I do believe you know that though."
Lexa shook her head and slit his throat effortlessly and let him fall to the ground. She shot every other person around Cage, leaving her team and Cage. But to her luck, Troye and Costia entered the room. Shit! She couldn't kill her ex. She may have hatred for her but she just couldn't do that. She also couldn't kill Troye because it was Marcus's son.
"I see you have options." Cage smirked. "Let me address this to you. I'll give you the blonde if you put your weapons down."
Lexa was running full autopilot and obeyed him. She looked behind her and nodded to the others and they put their weapons down too. Cage smirked and had Troye and Costia take Gustus and Indra. They forced them to the other side of the room.
Lexa gave him a dangerous look. He was crossing a line, exceeding the limits. Her parents were to never be included in this deal. They were sacred to her and that's probably why they took them. Costia must have informed them of her desires and her most valued things in life.
"This is going to hurt you more than me." Cage said.
Lexa pulled out her other gun from her holster and pointed at Cage. She gave him and Costia a death glare and put her finger to the trigger, playing with it, but not firing.
"You shoot me, both parents loose their head." Cage threatened.
Lexa was emotionally a mess and did what she was best. She took the shotgun from her back and threw it to Anya. She mouth to her "shoot Cage." Anya nodded and Lexa signaled, raising a hand and shot at Troye a few times and then Costia.
She was too late though, Troye and Costia had slit her parents throats before they fell to the ground. And that's when she lost it. She fell to the ground. She couldn't do this plan without having everything. It was give one and get the other. There was no option where she had it all. That would've been selfish.
Octavia caught her and mouthed at the others to search the other rooms and take the weapons with them. They all nodded and came back a moments later with Clarke.
Lexa was a sobbing mess. She built up enough strength to crawl over to Costia's corpse. She whispered something to the dead corpse that only she could hear. And it rang in her ears.
Then she turned around to her father's corpse. He was barely breathing but her mother was far gone. "This was my plan." He whispered. "I love you and make sure to live my legacy."
Lexa cried and he closed his eyes and his breathing slowed until it was nothing. Clarke hugged Lexa tightly and hoped to never let her go.
Lexa found a piece of paper in her father's pocket and it stuck out. She unfolded the paper and Clarke let go, knowing she would want to read it alone.
Dear Lexa,
If you're reading this, we're both gone. This was plan all along and I'm so proud of you. It was a huge price to pay and I know that your stubbornness will not let you let go of this for a while. Don't push Clarke or Anya or Aden away because of me or your mother. Keep them close. They will remind you of who you are and not what you will become. I'm so proud of you. So is your mother. She knew the risks of this plan as well. We just have one wish for you to fulfill. When you graduate, I need to you give a call to this number.
590-456-0093 That's Robert Kirkman. The producer and creator of Fear The Walking Dead. He booked you for a leading role.
Love Gustus and Indra Woods

Everything's Changed
Fanfiction(this is kind of poorly written) Clarke lives in TonDC, New Jersey and she's seventeen. She's been bullied almost all of her lie. She has no friends and she has a very dreaded past and she can't forget what happened. She has a ton of problems that s...