"Remember last time we did go karts?" Lexa asked Clarke as they got out of the vehicle.
"Yes, and I kicked your ass." Clarke grinned smugly.
"Ouch." Lexa faked a hurt look. "I was hoping you'd say 'Oh, we had good fun.' but nope."
"Aw, someone sad now?" Clarke nudged her.
"Very." Lexa said. "But not sad enough to kick your ass this time. I just let you win."
"Nice excuse." Clarke chuckled. "But you gotta do better."
Clarke ran to catch up with the rest of the group who were already at the ticket booth. "How many?"
"Thirteen." Bellamy said. "Wristbands."
The man gave them thirteen wristbands and they put the wristbands on. "Which track first?" Murphy asked.
"Let's do that one." Raven said, pointing at the wooden track that was basically a loop up and a loop down.
"Hell yes." Octavia grinned. "Ima beat you Rae."
"You think?" Raven said and pecked Octavia's lips and ran to the line.
"Ouch." Jasper said.
"I got you." Lincoln said and put his arm around Octavia's neck.
"At least someone cares." Octavia muttered to herself.
When the gate opened, they all ran and got into the single carts. When the green light flashed, they all were off. Lexa put her middle finger up at the ones behind her as she accelerated. She was far ahead but Raven and Clarke were close behind. Clarke pushed down on the gas peddle, accelerating as she passed Lexa with ease. Lexa was not okay with this. She grinned and sped up.
"Catch up with me bitch!" Clarke shouted from ahead.
"I intend on it." Lexa shouted back and accelerated.
When Clarke made it to lap two, Lexa was right on her tail and then eventually passed her up. "SHIT!" Clarke shouted. Lexa was now far ahead, too far to catch up with. When she got to lap three, Lexa was already almost done with lap three. Murphy was not far behind Clarke, along with Raven. Their competition was just as tense as Clarke and Lexa's.
"Winner!" The intercom shouted. Clarke shouted internally in frustration. Once she finished lap four, she turned into the pit. Lexa stood on the side lines, grinning. "I win."
"Fuck you." Clarke laughed.
"I beat you!" Raven shouted at the cart behind her, who was Murphy.
"You cheated!" Murphy frowned. "You pushed my cart into the tires."
Once everyone finished the last lap, they all stood in front of the course. "If I win next race, we play spin the bottle later." Raven grinned.
"And if I win, we play truth or dare." Octavia said.
"If Lexa wins, we play seven minutes in heaven." Anya said and Lexa smacked her arm. "What?!"
"Whatever." Lexa said and headed off to the next course.
"Lexa wins, again!" Raven groaned. "Seven minutes in heaven it is."
"I'm just gonna ignore what I won." Lexa said.
"But you still won twice." Raven cried. "You lucky son of a bitch."
"I'm just that skilled." Lexa said. "You should try motorcycle racing me."
"Oh you're on." Raven grinned.
"I'm hungry." Jasper said. "Stop with your arguing and get in the damn car."
"You sound as hangry as Clarke does." Raven shouted.
"Thanks a lot Raven." Clarke rolled her eyes.
They all took a seat at the giant booth at Local Goat and opened their menus instantly. "Why does everything sound so tasty?" Jasper whined.
"Because your stomach is empty." Monty said. "That's what you get for not eating lunch."
"Sounds like Jasper." Wells and Clarke chuckled.
"So I hear Clarke is a party girl." Bellamy said.
"Oh yeah." Wells chuckled. "Those were the good days."
"You're gonna have to show me." Bellamy said and Octavia smacked his head.
"Don't get any ideas." Octavia glared as everyone laughed.
"That was when I wasn't insecure of myself." Clarke said.
"We've seen the videos." Raven grinned.
"Oh, do tell." Murphy said.
"Shut up, your perv." Echo and Harper said.
"Now we know Murphy's a perv." Lincoln said.
"Wow, just figured that out?" Bellamy said sarcastically. "He's also been like that."
"I pick up all of the ladies." Murphy said.
"Not any ladies here." Emori retorted.
"Ooohhh, burn." Echo smiled.
"Burn, my ass." Murphy muttered to himself.
"So.." Octavia said. "Lexa and Clarke are even."
"How so?" Clarke raised a brow.
"Go Karts." Octavia said. "She won and you won."
"She won twice." Clarke said. "I won once."
"I don't count her second win." Octavia said.
"I do." Lexa grinned. "Because that means I win."
"You sound like a ten year old again." Anya chuckled.
"She was a pain." Lincoln chimed in.
"Oh, do tell." Raven said, leaning on her hand.
"That's a story for later." Anya winked. "I'll tell you later."
"You'd better." Raven said.
"Don't worry, I will remind her." Lincoln said.
"Thank you." Octavia and Raven chorused.
So I can't decide who to pair Raven with. I ship her with Anya, Murphy, and Octavia. I just cannot decide and it's driving me insane. I also ship Octavia with Lincoln and if I made Linctavia happen, who would I pair Raven with? Anya or Murphy? I don't know if I'd pair Murphy with Emori though. God damnit. Any suggestions?

Everything's Changed
Fanfiction(this is kind of poorly written) Clarke lives in TonDC, New Jersey and she's seventeen. She's been bullied almost all of her lie. She has no friends and she has a very dreaded past and she can't forget what happened. She has a ton of problems that s...