Hour One:
"I have to pee!" Raven shouted throughout the Navigator.
"We just left an hour ago!" Echo rolled her eyes. "Hold it."
"I really have to though." Raven whined.
"I said hold it!" Echo yelled at the girl.
"Why'd you make me sit next to her?" Raven complained.
Octavia was driving and Harper got shotgun, Clarke and Lexa got second row, and Raven, Echo, and Emori sat in the very back.
"Because everyone called dibs on every other seat." Echo stuck her tongue out at her.
"You're back here with me." Raven said.
"I'm teasing you because you have to pee." Echo chuckled. "That's why I'm not complaining."
"I have the perfect song for you." Raven grinned. "Harper, throw me your phone."
Harper rolled her eyes and passed her phone back. When the finally got to Raven, she opened YouTube and searched up a song. Raven passed the phone up. "Bluetooth it and play the song. DON'T turn the phone off."
"Okay." Harper said.
"Echo, why can't you be agreeing like Harper?" Raven asked.
"Shut up." Echo said. "I wanna hear this song."
Hour Two:
"Now can I pee?" Raven asked.
"Another hour, then you can." Octavia said.
"Can Harper and I switch seats?" Raven asked. "When we make the stop."
"Sure." Harper said. "I want to sit back there and tease Echo."
"Okay, not take backs." Raven said.
"Yeah, Yeah."
"Play some music, Clarke." Harper said, handing Clarke her phone.
Clarke picked out a playlist of AC/DC and Metallica. There was a few songs by Guns N Roses and Pink Floyd. She turned the phone off and handed the phone back to Harper as the music started. "Good ear." Lexa said.
"Ew, play something good." Echo and Raven chorused from the back seat.
"This is good music." Clarke said and Lexa nodded.
Hour Three:
The girls finally stopped at a Marathon Gas station along with the boys in the other vehicle. There were only three of them, that's what Clarke thought though. Little did she know that Monty, Jasper, and Wells would join them.
"Hell yes!" Raven shouted as she entered the passenger side. "Shotgun at last!"
"Don't forget that Clarke is still the DJ." Octavia and Harper said.
"Whatever, whatever." Raven rolled her eyes. "On the road!"
Hour Four:
"Are we there yet?" Raven asked.
"No, now shut up." Echo shouted from the back. "Some people want to nap."
"Ew, you old hag." Raven turned around, facing Echo and stuck her tongue out.
"No, I'm talking about sleeping beauty over there." Echo said, point to Emori.
"Only because it's her and not you." Raven said, facing the front now.
Hour Five:
"Can we stop and get some fast food?" Raven asked. "I'm starving."
"In two hours." Octavia said. "We still have like eight more hours."
"Boo!" Raven said. "At least play some party music."
"Hey!" Clarke said. "Seven Nation Army is a good song."
"Pshh, you say that now." Raven said. "Wake up and listen to the newest music, old fart."
"Raven!" Octavia shouted.
"Be quiet." Lexa glared. "Three of them are sleeping."
"Didn't know you cared." Raven retorted.
Hour Six:
"Lets play a game!" Raven said.
"Can we wait until after we eat?" Octavia asked. "I mean, everyone is asleep."
"Really?" Raven asked. "Even Clarke?"
Raven look back to see them all asleep. "Yes!" The girl open up her phone and played her liked songs on Spotify, disconnecting Harper's phone and chucking in the back, making sure it doesn't hit one of them.
Hour Eight:
"So, now everyone is awake and eaten, lets play a game!" Raven grinned.
"What game?" Echo asked.
"Let's play confession!" Harper said. "Although we can't get too loud, Em is still asleep."
"Fine." Raven said. "Octavia starts."
"I never actually put cow manure in your bed." Octavia said. "I just put homemade slime in there and put fish spray bait in there with some weird scents from body lotion."
"Sonofabitch." Raven said.
"You turn." Octavia smiled.
"Your dog didn't die." Raven said. "I accidently ran over it."
"Wow." Harper chuckled. "That got sad real quick."
"I never kissed Lincoln." Octavia said.
"I slept with Bell." Raven shot back.
"I burned your pet bird and ate it for dinner."
"I threw your phone into the pool and then I crushed it with a hammer."
"I sexted Finn on your phone."
"I hate you."
"You love me." Octavia smiled.
Hour Twelve:
"We got like one and a half hours left." Octavia shouted throughout the car, waking everyone up.
"Lemme sleep!" Clarke groaned.
"Wake me up when we actually get food." Echo said. "K, thanks."
Hour Thirteen:
"We're here!" Octavia shouted. "Let's get some food."

Everything's Changed
Fanfiction(this is kind of poorly written) Clarke lives in TonDC, New Jersey and she's seventeen. She's been bullied almost all of her lie. She has no friends and she has a very dreaded past and she can't forget what happened. She has a ton of problems that s...