Chapter 2

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Chapter 2

Illyasviel was brooding, something she did not do often. The subject of her thoughts was the prey she should've gotten her vengeance on, Shirou Emiya. Why didn't she keep him alive and torture him or something?

Then there was the matter with his servant... The same servant that her father and mother commanded in the previous war. Now that she thought about it, wasn't the catalyst for King Arthur Avalon?

That would mean that the red-haired 3rd-rate magus was still alive. Something she was grateful for as now she had another shot at sweet vengeance.

Still... She should've done something besides retreating. Hell, they should've been the ones retreating! Not her!

"Damn it~!" she whined, rolling back and forth on her bed. She stopped on her stomach, her eyes finally settling on Berserker who was sitting there, waiting for a command.

Maybe she should dress up as a magical girl next time she encounters him? She had dozens of outfits that she could choose from and they were just collecting dust after all.

Her eyes then moved to the muted television screen that was screening her favorite anime. She had other things to do, right?



Illyasviel yawned as she and her astralized Berserker walked towards Caster's base, Ryuudo Temple. The place was built on a ley line, a perfect location for a Caster-class servant to set up shop and have unlimited amounts of items to sell.

The bounded field surrounding the temple was... Divine in nature or at least is strong enough to keep any servant from entering through the walls, which sadly included her servant. It was a sound strategy to protect themselves from getting ambushed from all sides.

Again, strategies are nothing to Berserker. Tactics are rendered null with the absolute protection that could protect him from B++ ranked damage. His regeneration was of the highest class, able to regenerate even limbs and organs, it was what essentially kept him alive from the protection that dissolved his skin.

Stopping at the start of the steps, she spotted a man wearing a kimono and wielding a long odachi, an odachi so large it should be impossible to wield. It raised his threat level higher.

Definitely a servant.

That, however, begged the question, "Which class are you?"

The grin on the man's face unnerved the snowy-haired magus. "Assassin-class."

Illyasviel's fear of him being a more specialized class faded and in its place was confusion. "How can you be an assassin of you wield an unwieldy sword such as that?" she pointed to the odachi resting on his right shoulder.

"That's the thing, young miss, I'm summoned into a class that I have little to no skill in, it's frustrating, to say the least. I may be stepping out of my bounds, but I may be understood by your servant there. The survivor of an instinct race of ancient humans that were called ninjas, assassins that abided by the rules of money," Assassin frowned. "If you had been summoned as my class, you would've definitely been at your peak or maybe being a Caster would suit you better?"

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