Chapter 11

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Chapter 11

Illyasviel roamed the blast zone, her eyes scanning for more survivors. This is all my fault. This is all my fault. She repeated in her head.

It was already dark, the sun had settled yet people, good people unlike her, roamed around in search of others to save. "Hey, little girl, you shouldn't be out at this time," a voice said behind her.

Illyasviel's senses perked up, the person behind her had killer intent. "I'm here to search for my mama and daddy," Illyasviel lied. She turned around to face the magus and to her shock, there stood an executor, a church "dog."

"You shall die here, master of Berserker." The executor, a male dressed in a black tuxedo, raised his sword in his hand and brought it down. Only to jump away, only receiving a gash wound.

Illyasviel slightly chuckled, playing her role as a villain. "Ho ho ho! You do indeed have good reflexes," she said, her eyes filled with slight amusement. I truly don't want any more carnage...

"Begin stage 1!" the man yelled.

Suddenly, dozens of people appeared around them, magical crests, mystical codes, and spells aimed directly at Illyasviel. "Berserker, kill them~"

Berserker, quite literally, blurred into motion, appearing before the man with his arms raised and clutched together. He brought them upon the man, the only resistance he met was a couple of defensive magecraft that broke like a hot knife through butter. The man was just a little bit more than a red smudge on the ground.

The rest of the enforcers fired their spells, while some close-combat orientated ones moved in with their fists, swords, and black keys.

Illyasviel smirked.

The resulting explosion could've been seen for miles if it weren't for the fact that they were in a very strong bounded field that separated them from reality. The close combat enforcers took the resulting smokescreen to quickly move in on the white-haired magus using their various sense magecrafts.

Only to have their heads ripped off once they were completely engulfed in the smoke. Illyasviel slightly cringed at the sound of heads separating from bodies but maintained her confident demeanor well enough.

This is where the villain laughs maniacally, right? "Mwuhahaha! You are no match for Berserker~!" Once the smoke cleared, to her dismay, the ranged enforcers remained steadfast and didn't falter. It's as if they resigned to their fate...

The rest of the enforcers got out black keys and threw them at Illyasviel only to have them cut in ribbons midair.

"Stage 2! Commence!" an executor, who Illyasviel believed to be a leader of sorts. The leader, a woman, took out an item and lifted it upwards which quickly shot above Illyasviel only about a hundred meters or so from her head.

Illyasviel raised an eyebrow when the executors raised their left hand to the item as if they were asking for God's blessing.

"In the beginning, God created the heavens and the earth, " they chanted a sphere of energy manifested itself over Illyasviel's position, making her smirk.

"Hath the earth was formless and empty, darkness was over the surface of the deep, and the Spirit of God was hovering over the waters. And God said, “Let there be light,” and there was light." The sky darkened yet the sphere of energy started to grow immensely.

"God saw that the light was good, and he separated the light from the darkness. God called the light “day,” and the darkness he called “night.” And there was evening, and there was morning—the first day!" The massive sphere of energy started to condense and many executors at that point either fainted or died from prana exhaustion.

"Book of Genesis, the end of the old world, and the birth of anew!" The remaining executors roared as the brought their arms down, at that point no executor stood. The condensed sphere of energy descended upon Illyasviel with power that surprised even her.


"Berserker, destroy it."

"Graaa!" A massive tailed beast bomb quickly formed and condensed before expanding quickly and firing upwards to meet the executor's final attack.

The massive pitch-black sphere quickly consumed the brilliantly bright sphere and a large blast that dwarfed the largest man-made bomb ever created, the Tsar Bomba. It literally broke reality, the bounded field, and made a hole in the atmosphere.


"The fixed date of the emergency UN council meeting is tom- Wait hold on! We got news from Fyuki! Breaking news... Oh my God... A-A nuclear bomb ha-as been dropped on the city... Oh my, Go-"


"The is CNN breaking news: an atomic bomb has been dropped on Fyuki City, Japan-"


Illyasviel stood stock still as the explosion subsided, revealing a more destroyed area. It's hard to breathe. She numbly thought as she watched as Berserker stood before her, his eyes looking into her hers. "Astralize, Berserker... We need to finish the ritual... Her climax should be soon..."


Kirei Kotomine smirked silently as he slammed his copy of the Bible shut. "It's a shame that you aren't here to see our dream bear fruit, Gilgamesh... But now that the final obstacle is upon her... Maybe I could bask in the joy you said it would bring.

"May the world burn in fire."

Chapter 11 End

Almost forgot to update this. Also, leaving a favorite would be nice.

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