Chapter 10

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Chapter 10

"As of 4:57 A.M, an explosion comparable to a mini nuclear blast has been confirmed to be detonated on national soil on the edge of Fyuki City. Casualties range from 1,000 to 5,000. Prime Minister Shinzo Abe has declared this as a declaration of war and is using this to further rearm the military.

"President Donald Trump has reportedly given his full support on Prime Minister Shinzo Abe's decision, a speech will be held at 8:00 A.M, an hour from now. President Xi Jinping and President Vladimir Putin have denied any involvement in the attack and separate speeches will be held at different times. North Korean leader Kim Jung Un has also denied the attack, stating, "it would've been bigger." All residence is to prepare for a nuclear attack in the near future.

"On a related note, a house has seemingly collapsed a mile away from the South of Fyuki where the blast had detonated from. Therefore it is advised that people evacuate their homes in a 3-mile radius of the blast zone and to make their way to secured facilities."

Shirou's hands started to shake. He couldn't protect anyone, not a single soul. "I couldn't protect anyone..." he said quietly.

"That's not true, senpai. You saved Saber," comforted Sakura.

Shirou looked at his underclassman with a soft look. "I guess..."

"What's with that sorry face, brat?" A familiar toned voice asked, making Shirou look up to find Archer standing there in a long black trenchcoat and a black tuxedo underneath.

Shirou was pleasantly stupified at the appearance of his friend's servant. "Archer? Where did you get those clothes?" he asked with a slightly suspicious tone, too tired to put any more.

"I found it in a rather sturdy suitcase before I left," he said as he rolled his shoulder only to wince in pain. "I assume it's your old man's."



Shirou shook his head to clear his mind before looking back at Archer again dead in the eye. "Where's Rin?"

"Gone with Illyasviel."

Shirou grimaced at the news. There go the brains of the team... He thought sarcastically.

"Archer," a regal voice curtly said from Shirou's right. There stood the ever gallant Saber in a hospital gown, a nurse trying to catch up to her.

"Please come back! We need to run tests to make sure you're fine!" the nurse yelled as she stopped and keeled over in exhaustion.

Saber stood unfazed by the commotion she was causing and continued to glare at Archer. "Why are you here, Archer?"

Archer's face didn't take a coy grin as Shirou and Saber expected it to, rather his face hardened yet his eyes softened. "Can I not see to my charge's safety, Artoria?"

Shirou, Sakura, and Saber blinked at the response.

A coy grin suddenly replaced his previously hardened look. "I love you, Saber."



Even the nurse looked so dumbfounded and lost that she ceased her panting. The surrounding people ceased their activities, well those who weren't so busy, and watched with interest.

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