Chapter Four-Hoodwinked

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Cass woke up early the next morning before the sun had even risen.  She sat on her old, uncomfortable couch, legs curled up underneath her. She took a small sip from her mug, which currently held black coffee.

She hated it. Black coffee is one of the worst things in the world, she told herself. 

But she drank it anyways.

There's no other way to get the long hours and kind of work she needed to get done during the day without drinking coffee. There's just no way you can stay up all night staring through binoculars and then get up and shoot at people at eight in the morning without it. 

She checked her phone for the third time since she woke up. Cass was waiting on confirmation from Diego to meet him for additional information before trying to carry out her plan. 

She was also waiting for Lester to stop being a miserable grump. 

He'd promised to call her today because he had "something good", but he had yet  to follow through with it. 

The morning light was starting to peek through her small windows. She was at her least preferred home, outside of town. It was quiet here, too quiet. But she tried to not stay in the same house for too long. 

This one was small, as are the others, and barren. She spent the least time in this one, and had less stuff strewn about through the house because of it. It didn't look like a home, and it didn't feel like one either. None of them really did, but it didn't matter to her. She liked to spend most of her time outside, doing something rather than being inside. 

Her phone dinged, ripping her from her thoughts. 

I'm ready
See you in twenty

She smiled. Time to get this shit over with. 

-- -- 

"You're late."

I rolled my eyes. "Seriously, who cares? It was two minutes."

He smirked and shrugged. I knew he really didn't care, but he was gonna give me shit about it anyways. 

"Whatchya got, Diego?"

"Okay, those people? Nothing. Not a damn thing on them. No social media, no drivers licence or passports, nothing. Anywhere where their pictures should be, doesn't exist. If that's not suspicious I don't know what is. 

"You're right. You've got to be sketchy as shit to wipe yourself off the face of the earth."

"Exactly. So I took the pictures and the minimal bank security footage we had before they shot the cameras, and compared them. Essentially, the four of them are the same height and build as the crew that robbed the bank."

"Even better!" 

"There's more. I was looking for someone in that building who looked good and I found a certain James Hayes who owns apartment number 40. I dug around a little, and everything on him is a dead end too. Everyone else in that building checked out. Not only that, but he's requested and been approved for construction multiple times. Expanding rooms, adding stuff, and a permit for putting in a safe and adding drywall around it. Safe to say I think that's our guy."

"Was that pun on purpose?"


What an idiot. Still, he did amazing digging all this info up. 

"Is that all?" I asked.

"Are you kidding me? I'd never send you in blind. I have a floor plan for you. I've marked where the construction has been done, which is where the money likely is."

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