Chapter Five-Discovered

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Gavin couldn't believe they made him walk all the way back to the apartment just because he forgot his earpiece. They have phones for a reason, if they need him they could just text him. What's the point of walking anyways? It all seemed too stupid for Gavin. 

He entered the apartment and sat still for a second. Where had he left it? They'd just used it the other day tailing those people, how could he not have remembered it this morning. I know exactly why, Gavin thought. 


Micheal had decided this morning that he was going to turn off his alarms and wake him up with a bucket of cold water to the face. Gavin woke up in a panic, ready to start swinging, and there was Micheal laying on the floor as he had collapsed in a fit of giggles.

His hair is still wet from it.

What a load of bollocks. 

Gavin thought about it for a second more, and realized that it must be in the heist room. He turned to the right and put his hand on the door, starting to push it forward.


Gavin let go of the door. What an idiot he'd been. It's sitting on his dresser, right where he was left it last time. 

He walked down the stairs and into his room, grabbing the earpiece off the wooden dresser. He took a moment to look around, surveying the room. The floor around the bed was still damp, and Gavin was not happy about that. He needed to get Micheal back somehow, but that's another problem for another day. 

For now, Gavin needed to get back to walking to meet the rest of the guys at the construction site. 

-- --

Cass waited until she heard the door shut and the footsteps to fade away before she slumped onto the ground. She was mere seconds from being caught, and now she could finally breathe again. She took a moment a catch her breath, then picked up her bag from the floor. It was time to leave. 

But before that, Cass remembered something she meant to do. She took out a notepad and scribbled out a short note, which she left inside the open safe. Her job here is done. 

-- -- 

"I still can't believe you forgot your earpiece!"

"Oh come off it, it's tiny! How could I not?" Gavin rolled his eyes. He was never going to hear the end of this one.

Jeremy laughed to himself. It was a bit stupid, but they made fun of each other for everything. That was just how it works around here. 

They had just come back to the apartment after finishing their job, and now they were having a drink. It had gone fairly smoothly, aside from Gavin's hiccup, but they were able to scope out the gang's hiding place fairly well. Although, Jeremy kind of thought Ryan seemed off today. Normally he had a bit of fun on these missions, but today he was all business. They usually all have some fun on these, because it's natural to them. They all love what they do, so it's hard not to. They loved to have car chases and shoot-outs and all that good stuff. 

Jeremy remembered just the other day how Ryan was swerving all over the road on the way to Lester's. He almost hit several bikers, and the whole way they were laughed and cheering, as usual. But today on the way home, there was no swerving or hitting bikers. He seemed quiet, a little too quiet. 

Ryan is quiet a lot, it's in his nature and common for this business, but Ryan gets real unsettling when he's too quite for too long. Jeremy can remember one time too many where they've pissed him off and he's gotten quiet, only to blow up later at something insignificant. From the moment that he'd met him, Ryan had always been a quiet and, honestly, weird person. One could assume from the way he acted at that time that he'd spent his whole life alone and didn't know how to deal with other people, but the more accurate assumption is that he'd spent his whole life around batshit crazy people and was aclimated to that. 

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