Chapter Eleven- Rescue Mission

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At exactly 7:30 in the morning, the five crew members sat inside the heist room, guns in hand and dressed darkly. Cass was currently bundled up in her favorite jacket, a dark blue one she'd had for years and was probably far too worn out to be of any use at all, but she certainly didn't care. There was a good chance she'd get too hot from running around and firing guns to worry about how thin her jacket was, which is also why she opted for a black tank top under said jacket. If only her mother could see her now, bitching about how she mixed navy and black. She'd never hear the end of it.

Jeremy was trying to finish lacing up his boots, and Gavin and Michael were quietly bickering about whether or not they should stuff grenades in their pockets, with Michael very not in favor of that idea. Meanwhile, Ryan was taking the moment to load his gun and polish it a bit. It was a Glock that he'd had for years, and it certainly wasn't his favorite (the minigun took that spot) but it was useful and possibly the only thing he may be able to shoot while driving. There would be other guns in the vehicle, but he wouldn't be able to use them until after they were parked.

The room was filled with the near silent hum of the air conditioner and the occasional click of metal hitting metal. Cass glanced at Ryan quickly for a moment. His brow was furrowed as he tried to wipe a spot of grease off the handle, his soft light brown hair falling in his face, not that he saw it through his concentration. He looked so...determined like this, having all his attention absorbed into one simple activity. She looked back down at the floor. Michael shoved Gavin lightly, who made an indignant sound, then stepped forward.

"Alright, so what's the plan?" Ryan set his gun down.

"They're supposed to move her at exactly ten, so we have to roll up on the dot. There's a building under construction next to their base. Cass, you're going to go to the third story and keep lookout/snipe. You'll tell us when they exit the building so we know when to move in. You'll also be guarding Gavin, who will be coming in from the alleyway. Gavin, you lay low until we're in, then come out and start taking people from the back before they know what hit them. Got it?" They both nodded.

"Good. Michael, Jeremy and I are coming in from the front. They'll be shooting while I'm driving. You'll have to watch out for us, chances are we won't be able to watch for you. Do not let the hostage get taken out. Cass, there should be some people up high that you're up there for. Once you get them, you should probably come down and help Gavin, or get to a better location to help from."

"Got it." Gavin looked concerned for a moment.

"Is there any cover for me?"

"There's some dumpsters back there, but I'd advise you to slip behind a building once we go in. They'll be so distracted that they shouldn't notice, but don't take unnecessary risks. Do what you feel is safe." He was relieved; he knew Ryan wouldn't send him out into the open but it still made him nervous going into an area like that with little knowledge of it.

"When we've taken care of everyone, we're going to load up in the Insurgent with the hostage and head to Lester's to drop her off. It is absolutely imperative that we get in and out as quick as possible, because we are going to draw a lot of police attention. Everyone clear?"


"Then let's get going."

-- --

I breathed in slowly, taking a moment to wiggle backwards and adjust myself. I was too close to the rifle, giving me not a whole lot of room to breathe. I've counted the number of people on the roof over and over, and I keep getting four, which is an okay number. It's been a long time since I last sniped, and I've never been great at it, so it's safe to say this was making me quite nervous. I brought my eye away from the scope, and shifted again. Lying on my stomach like this wasn't even near comfortable.

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