Chapter Eight-The First Mission

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The explosion rocked through my body, and I had to lean over and put my hand on the ground to brace myself. To my right, Jeremy had his hands over his ears. We couldn't sit behind the car for too long, though, because any moment now they'd sound the alarm. Jeremy climbed on top of the car, watching as the smoke dispersed into the air. I picked up my gun and walked out from behind the car. I narrowed my eyes, trying to see through the haze. There wasn't a lot of smoke, and what was there was starting to move upwards into the sky, but it wasn't easy to see through. You could, however, see shadows. 

"Jeremy, on the left!" We both fired off a few shots in that directions, aiming for the few men that had already arrived. At that time the siren went off, alerting more to our breach of the outside wall. The walkie-talkie beeped, and I held it up to my ear.

"Great job guys, everyone's starting to leave. We still have some here though, so keep going." Ryan said. I could see some more people approaching from the left, and in the distance I see a vehicle. I call out to Jeremy, and we fire more at the approaching soldiers. 

Time passes both slowly and quickly at the same time as we shoot, trying to attract attention. Before we know it, the vehicle is in front of us, and more men pour out of it, firing at us. We have to move around quickly, ducking behind the car when we can. For now, it's our only cover, and if we want more we need to push back to get to the large van they came from. 

This was not a firefight we intend to win. I climbed on top of the car unleashing a barrage of bullets to the men hiding behind the vehicle. There was yelling and screaming, loud noises, and smoke everywhere. I picked up my walkie talkie again, yelling into it. 

"You better be fucking close!"

"I second that!" Jeremy yelled from behind the car. We were out in the open, shooting at who knows how many people, and it's only a matter of time before a tank showed up. In fact, I think I could hear one off in the distance. I signal to Jeremy, and we fire again. If we are going to fight a tank, it's better to not have a bunch of people shooting at us while we do it. 

"He's in it, now about to pull out. There's people showing up now, I think we need another distraction." Ryan said on the other end. I could here several gunshots through the walkie-talkie. 

"Jeremy! You got any grenades back there?"

"In the trunk! Cover me while I open it!" He answered. I hopped off the car, pushing forwards. Bullets flew around around me, occasionally hitting my chest armour. 

Son of a bitch, that really hurts. 

There's a pretty good chance any of these could kill me, but the goal here is to kill them first. 

"Pull back! I'm throwing!" I shot off a few last times before turning around to run behind the car. Yet another explosion sounded, and I put my finger on the button of the walkie-talkie. 

"Any good news?" 

"Any second now..." I waited for what felt like years. "Alright! We're good to go!" I stood back up and started firing to cover Jeremy while he got in the car, then he covered me. We sped away, leaving confused soldiers in our wake, scrambling to get in vehicles to try and chase after us. 

-- -- 

Nearly an hour later, they finally lost the cops and made it back to Lester's place. Cass had never been there before, but it was every bit isolated and in the middle of nowhere as she could've expected from the man. It was right in the middle of an empty desert, the only building around for a least a couple miles. Jeremy pulled up outside of the warehouse building; Ryan was leaning against the side, while Micheal and Gavin got in the Insurgent, probably to park it inside. They got out, Jeremy heading inside while Cass walked towards Ryan. 

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