Chapter Twelve- A Smooth Recovery?

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The crew pulled up to Lester's home, glad to be in the clear. The police hadn't followed them at at all for once and that's a fairly nice surprise considering the vehicle they were driving. They parked in front of it and all hopped out, Ryan helping Cass and the woman out. Her name, as they had learned on the drive, was Dara, and she also did not want to disclose exactly what she was involved in. They hopped out, dispersing themselves and stretching their muscles that were already worn out and near soreness. 

They talked to themselves and discussed their plans after this. Ryan wanted to take Cass to the hospital, though he didn't approach that subject with her yet, just telling the guys that the two of them would ride together in his car he'd left here. Micheal, Gavin, and Jeremy would head home with the money and put it in the safe. Cass walked away as they talked, wanting to sit down again. 

Lester walked towards them, smiling widely and waving his hands in the air like a crazy person, which he very likely was. 

"Good job, I'm surprised you actually got through that one."

"It wasn't easy, could've fucking used some help," Michael said passive aggressively. Lester shrugged and hobbled over to the woman and the two began whispering about stuff the crew assumed they probably shouldn't listen to. Cass was sat in the front seat of Ryan's car, staring out to the horizon. Her wrist felt like a dull ache in the back of her mind, but she couldn't move it, otherwise it'd do a lot more than ache. She needed to put ice on it, and she knew that, but she had to wait on everyone else.

Ryan walked over and kneeled on the ground in front of her. He reached for her wrist, and she snatched it away, swearing under her breath.

"Don't touch it, it hurts." She whispered. He looked her in the eyes, reaching for it again.

"Just let me look at it, please. If it's broken, we need to know." Cass rolled her eyes, but relented. Ryan took her hand in his and held it still for a moment. It was beginning to bruise, but nothing looked out of place. He held her forearm with one hand and supported her palm with his. He tilted it a few times, trying to ignore Cass's swearing, and looked for any strange movement.

"Alright, I don't think it's broken, but it might be sprained. We're going to go to emergency care for this." Her eye's widened and she leaned back.

"Oh hell no." He gave her a stern look that said 'just fucking try me' and she sighed. "I don't do healthcare. Besides, they're going to stick me with a huge bill I probably won't be able to afford."

"It's on me, then. Don't worry about it. You need to get this looked at."

She grumbled something about him being an asshole, but he ignored it and stood up, walking back over to the rest of the group. They were all not-quite-patiently waiting for Lester to pay them. Michael elbowed him in the ribs, and nodded his head in Cass's direction.

"Is she...okay?"

"She'll be alright, I think it just surprised her."

"You really kind of lost it back there, no offense, but could that have anything to do with it?"

Ryan was stunned for a moment, he hadn't thought about that. Could it have been him that freaked her out? It wasn't everyday that he lost it like that, but something inside him just snapped as soon as he got a hold of that guy. Michael realized that Ryan had entered some zone of deep reflection and turned away, leaving him alone to his thoughts. In the background, Lester tried talking to him, but after getting no response, handed the money to Michael. Gavin, Michael, and Jeremy walked over to their car, and Ryan slowly and absentmindedly walked over to his. He sat down in the car, staring out the windshield.

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