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Lisa didn't know what to do when she her father with Jisung sitting in the living room. She wanted to warn Jisung but her own father threatened her with a gun in a way that Jisung couldn't see.

Lisa had no way but to listen to him at this moment. Jisung was happy playing with his father. Lisa didn't know if she should cry or smile. She tried hard to maintain her posture.

After few minutes she gained courage and gently told Jisung to get back to his room.

"Jisung-ah ... you see noona has something to talk with dad so ... get back to your room as a good boy and do your home work. Lock your room and only when I tell you to come out you should come. Okie? "

"But Lisa noona .. why should come only after you call?  It's not like a murderer is in our house? "

When Jisung said that Lisa looked at her father while their father looked away. Jisung looked at them both. Jisung knew something was off so quietly he went to the room. As Lisa said he locked his room believing his father wouldn't hurt his sister.

The moment Jisung left Lisa ran to the kitchen and took a knife in her hand.

"Aish .. you think you are smart huh. I have a gun baby but look at what you have. I would shoot you in a instant.  "

"I knew it. I knew that you were pretending to be good. You may have fooled Jisung, but not me. I know you are here to kill us but why are not doing it? You could have just killed us but why are you putting a drama? What are you planning to do? I can't believe you are my father! You disgusting man "

Lisa took a step forward as she spoke.

"What kind of a father are you?  How could you kill your own children?  Where is my father who played with us a year ago? Where is that sweet man who loved my mother for her heart and not her wealth? What did Lucas do to you?  Why are you like this dad ....  "

Lisa broke out as she spoke. Her father still had rage towards them.

But for a moment he thought, 'What did my kids do so that I'm here to kill them? Why does money suddenly seem important to me than my kids? '

He was confused. He didn't have any reason or vengeance towards them and yet he is out here to kill them. Why?

He seemed to have been moved by Lisa's tears but the poison inside him worked. Lucas have been feeding this poisonous thoughts on Lisa's father for a long time that he is now like this.
Though Mr.Park wanted to stop,  he couldn't.

Because without his knowledge he was being feeded with drugs in his food that increases his anger and rage. He was drugged once by Lucas that he almost lost his memories and Lucas used it as an opportunity and started brainwashing his brother from that very day.

That impact was still on Mr. Park so, he was about leave the house to make himself stop hurting them, but he grabbed his gun and pointed it straight at Lisa.

Lisa was scared but she didn't fight. She just can't believe that her life would be ended by her own father.

"So that's all you want right? I don't care. Shoot me. "

Lisa spoke with a wavery voice.
She then closed her eyes letting her tears fall. She thought about Jisung and all her efforts to keep him safe.

Though she wanted to be shot, she wanted to live for Jisung.

Before Lisa could escape the gun  fired. The sound of the gun 'Bang!' was heard.

Y'all thought Lisa is dead?

No, Lisa was alive. She wondered how she was alive and looked at the stairs. Thee she spotted Jisung who looked terrified as he dropped a heavy flower pot on his father's head that it made him unconscious.

The bullet was shot on the wall and Lisa along with Jisung were safe. For now.

They dragged him out and put him in his car and ducktaped him. Then they called aunt Emily to come soon and explained the situation.

Lisa and Jisung went to the nearby park, locking their house as they didn't want to stay where their father was. Lisa hugged Jisung who was freezing in the cold weather. They patiently waited for Emily to appear with police.

And as they came Lisa lead everyone to their house but he was not there. His car wasn't there too. He escaped.

Lisa was so close on capturing her father and uncle but everything was spoiled. But still the police had to investigate. So they entered the house and took photos of the broken flower pot and the bullet hole.

The police promised to try their best in finding the all the culprits and give them the punishment.
They reopened the accident case of Lisa's mother again and police now doubted that the death of the the mother could also be a murder by the father and uncle.

It was reliving for Lisa but at the same time it was nerve wracking for her. Now that this has gone far to police, a lot of problems are to be faced soon.

After hours of investigation by the police, they were left alone.

It was already late at night. Emily and Lisa made sure Jisung is safe and made him sleep. And the two came downstairs and sat on the sofa.

"Aunt Emily, I don't think it is safe for you to be here. "

"Darling, why are saying this?  It isn't safe for you too. .."

"I know aunt Emily but .. take Jisung with you and make sure he is safe. He will be happy to be with you and Mark. "

"No way I'm leaving you child! "

"But understand please. ... They are trying hard to kill me . They won't chase after Jisung for now. So take him with you. I'll stay here or at my friend's place. Whenever the police wants to investigate, you can help me those times. Please understand aunt Emily. I don't want Jisung to  be in trouble because of me. "

"You are crazy, child. I don't what you are planning to do. But listen I can't leave you alone. How can you guarantee that they won't chase after Jisung? "

"I don't know ...."

Emily noticed the worn out Lisa and hugged her with love. Lisa found her hug healing.

"Oh darling, maybe you two should take rest for a few days. In this state if you attend school, it is going to be bad for your health. I know you are having exams soon. But take a break. I'll talk to the principal. You me Mark and Jisung. Let's just go somewhere and relax your mind. What do you say dear? "

"Um ... good idea. .."

"YES! WONDERFUL IDEA! ", Jisung showed from the stairs with his hands held up high pointing the sky and a moon crescent smile showing his cute little teeth.

Lisa and Emily looked scared a bit but they realised Jisung has been listening to their conversation all along. They smiled at him for his goofiness.

As Jisung climbed down the stairs, he softly hugged Lisa and said, "There is no way I leave you alone noona. I may be young but remember I'm your brother and I'm sticking your side forever like a gum. "

Lisa laughed at him while hugging him and they decided to take a break from school for a few days.

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