Padawan heroics

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While ezra and Sabine were having a moment, something sinister was about to happen.

5th brother: 7th sister. I have located the boy.
7th sister: kill him.
5th brother: with pleasure.

The 5th brother has spotted them while on patrol again, and had them in his sights. At this moment Ezra sensed something terrible, he let go of Sabine and looked behind him to find the 5th brother giving them a death stare.

Sabine: oh no. We got to get out of here!
Ezra: I'm right behind you.

When they started running the 5th brother began to force choke Sabine, and Ezra reacted by force pushing her out into a street, which had a giant gate for imperial uses, and shut the gate using the force.

Sabine: EZRA!!
Ezra: I'll be fine. Go and get the rest.

Sabine decided to stay and watch in hopes of Ezra surviving.

Ezra: I knew you would come back!
5th brother: what a pest you are.
Ezra: i thought you were supposed to be jedi killers, but after what I've seen now I not so sure. And besides, I'm not a jedi...yet.

The 5th brother slowly walks to the centre of the area, with a devil's eye towards Ezra.

5th brother: come on!!
Ezra: ok *ignites lightsaber*.........Lets Dance.

Ezra then runs at the 5th brother, firing plasma bolts at him and igniting his lightsaber last second and launching heavy strikes at the inquisitor while he was slightly off guard and then Ezra blocked the few attacks thrown at him by the inquisitor. They then began their violent duel, with each opponent trying to overwhelm the other with both heavy attacks from any angle and also force attacks, such as pushes, pulls and chokes and they alternated their attack strategies during the battle. Ezra was faster and easily dodged each force attack by the inquisitor, but also his force pushes wasn't as power potential compared to the 5th brother. As the fight continued Sabine was petrified, and she then received a call.

Hera: Sabine, where are you!? We can't find Ezra!
Sabine: *upset* he's fighting the 5th brother, and I can't do anything to help!!
Hera: what!! Why what happened?
Sabine: the 5th brother found us as I talked Ezra out of his actions and he pushed me away from the grounds.
Hera: where is your location!?
Sabine: we are nearby the courtyard. I'll send you our location!
Hera: ok, we'll tell Zeb. We're coming to you! Do anything you can to help.
Sabine: I'll try.

After this Sabine saw she was able to clime up the side of the gate, so she could provide Ezra done cover fire as soon as possible. She began to clime rapidly and each second she could feel like Ezra's life could be in her hands at any moment. Not long after she managed to reach the top, she had a Granade ready and one of her blasters in case Ezra needed the help. Each moment that passed she was amazed that Ezra was able to put up as good of a fight as he had, and she was fact, she began appreciate his skills more. At this point Ezra landed a force push which mocked the inquisitor off balance, but as Ezra ran towards his he was grabbed by the throught, loosing his lightsaber, which angered Sabine. As Ezra was lifted above the ground Sabine took 3 shots at the inquisitor's back which made him let go of Ezra, and he then turned his attention towards her. But before he could Ezra force pushes his lightsaber out of his hand and kicked him in the face, nocking him over. Sabine then assisted firing a few shots at the 5th brother to further help Ezra, and during all this Ezra was throwing heavy lunches and kicks as best he could. "Ezra! Catch!" Sabine then threw her Granade to Ezra, in which he ended the fight.

Ezra: it's over!!

He rolled the Granada at the inquisitor's feet and the explosion sent him flying severely injuring him. The fight was over....Ezra had won. Seconds later the smoke disappeared, but so did the inquisitor.

Sabine: what!? Where did he go!?
Ezra: leave him. He now knows what we're capable of. saved my life...thank you.
Sabine: *smiled* your life is always worth saving.

Seconds later Ezra then felt an extremly sharp pain below his chest, which severely weakened him. He began to walk towards Sabine but was struggling to stay up, and Sabine notice.

Sabine: Ezra? What's wrong.

Ezra tried to speak, but struggled.

Ezra: sa... Sabine...*breathing heavily*

Ezra then instantly collapsed on the floor.

Sabine: EZRA!!...I'm coming!

Sabine then climbed over the gate, jumped down and ran to Ezra. She put his head on her lap and tried to wake him up by tapping his face and shaking him. She checked his heart beat, and was relieved he was still hanging on. She then got a call from Hera.

Hera: Sabine! We are nearly there. How are things looking?
Sabine: *crying* hurry! He beat the 5th brother but Ezra's hurt!
Hera: that's incredible! are you with him now!?
Sabine: yes!!
Hera: ok we won't be long!

After a few minutes, with Ezra being in a stable condition, the rest of the crew arrived.

Kanan: is he ok!?
Sabine: he's still hanging on. I'll tell you all about it when we get back!
Hera: we need to get him on board the liberator fast!
Zeb: he'll be ok! I'll carry him!

Within a few minutes they get Ezra on board the ghost, and Hera immediately sets of. While they do the 5th brother sees them leaving.

5th brother: lord Vader will not be happy. *On com* 7th sister the rebel ship is leaving.
7th sister: did you kill the boy!?
5th brother: no. I almost had him in my grasp, but the girl helped him. I was shot 4 times.
7th sister: ouch, well you did better than me. I guess he's more powerful than we both thought.
5th brother: lord Vader will not be happy.
7th sister: I'm not looking forward to visiting him.

Meanwhile the ghost jumps to the fleet's location and during the trip Ezra is placed on his bed, with Sabine sitting next to him. No one entered the room as they knew Sabine was scared and upset, so they decided to leave her until they got to the liberator.

*Later on*

The ghost jumped out of hyperspace and made contact with the fleet.

Hera: ghost to liberator this is Hera syndulla, we urgently require the med bay!!
Sato: Hera! Where have you been!?
Kanan: good question for another time commander, we need that med bay set up!
Sato: acknowledged kanan.

Sato, Rex and a few rebel soldiers set up the med bay with its equipment ready for the ghost crew's arrival. When they docked Zeb carried Ezra and they all ran towards the med bay with Hera notifying Sato of their ship docking.

Hera: command Sato, we're on our way now!
Sato: the med bay is ready Hera!
Hera: thank you commander.

As they got to the med bay no one asked questions, as they allowed the crew to go in and get Ezra sorted. They put Ezra in the bed, and attached an oxygen mask to his mouth, and a bacta supply if needed, as well as some ration bars for when Ezra woke up. Once he was sorted, the crew allowed Sato and Rex in.

Rex: what happened?
Hera: we only know briefly. Sabine knows more than us.
Sabine: I can tell you if you want...but not in here, I don't think any of us would want Ezra to wake up finding out that I've told you everything.
Kanan: she's right, he wouldn't be to happy. We'll go to the command center.

As they walked out Sabine asked the two rebel soldiers a favour.

Sabine: hey, would you two mind watching over Ezra? Just in case he wakes up during our conversation?
Soldier: no problem.
Sabine: thank you.

Everyone then arrived at the command center, and when they all sat down, Sabine then began to tell everyone what had happened to her knowledge.

This was the last fight scene chapter of this story, the last few chapters will be following on from this. I hope you enjoyed each fight, they weren't easy to write 😂 I'll update soon.

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