A stranger she remains

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This is the start of my metal gear inspiration chapters. Again if anyone has played metal gear rising revengance then you might recognise some duologue or even some of the fights 👌

Ezra had jumped out near lothal's orbit, and began his decent towards the planet. Surprisingly there were no star destroyers in orbit, yet anyway. Ezra piloted the phantom towards where he sensed the two dark entities, which was the capital.

Meanwhile as Ezra began his journey downward...

5th brother: he is here.
7th sister: I sense something. You sure it's him?
5th brother: don't question me 7th sister! It his him! I will take this dance! First
7th sister: no.
5th brother:...no?
7th sister: yeah, I said no. He's mine. Go and patrol the area in case he hasn't come alone.
5th brother: *silent*
7th sister: go on.

As the 5th brother walked off the 7ty sister waited in a nearby courtyard, and before long she spotted a shuttle landing nearby to her location. The 5th brother also spotted it and followed the orders of the 7th sister.

As Ezra landed he sensed one dark entity which was very strong and very close, so he shut down the phantom and set off. After walking around the area he began to feel a sharp pain in his head, indicating he was very close to his first target. As he then walked around the corner he spotted the 7th sister, with her back to him, standing in a courtyard. He checked the area for any signs of the 5th brother but it made sense to him that she would want to face him alone. So he slowly walked up to her while keeping his anger locked in for now.

7th sister: I was wondering when you'd come, little Loth rat.
Ezra: no one calls me that anymore! The 5th brother! Where is he!
7th sister: don't worry about him, he's not the sharpest tool in the shed.
Ezra: i already know you're in charge of him.
7th sister: of course, and your motivation possesses you. A boy, but with furey like a wolf. A natural outcast, even as a child.
Ezra: that was a long time ago.
7th sister: your motivation is very predictable.
Ezra: you don't know me.
7th sister: and you don't know me. *Starts walking towards Ezra* I have slaughtered dozens of rebellious beings in my time as an inquisitor to the empire.
Ezra: *ignites lightsaber* proud of that are you?
7th sister: what happened, happened. My enemies stood no chance against me, not once did I feel threatened. And now I have a sense of accomplishment.
Ezra: something you should put on your resume *sarcastic*
7th sister: so young and immature.
Ezra: I'll take that as a compliment.
7th sister: If you would kill to protect your precious family, then you should be ready to die for them. *Ignites lightsabers*

Both opponents got in a fighting position ready to launch into battle any second.

7th sister: come child, let's test your metal.

Both opponents ran at each other clashing blades and Hong head to head with one another properly for the first time. The 7th sister used her spinning lightsaber to her advantage by trying to daze Ezra during defens but he didn't fall for it, so Ezra easily stopped the lightsaber spinning and continued his assault on the 7th sister. As they continued to clash blades, the 7th sister had the offensive advantage with double blades but Ezra had the speed advantage, let alone his rage towards the inquisitors for what they did to him. The right went on for a while with the 7th sister constantly trying to find windows of opportunity to strike Ezra but he was to fast for her strikes. Eventually Ezra overwhelmed her with a leather blade clash and kicked her meters away onto the floor.

7th sister: I'm beginning to enjoy this.

The 7th sister threw a trick up her slave at Ezra by sending an ID-09 droid to put him off, which gave her the attacking advantage while Ezra had to focus on two opponents attacking him. Eventually Ezra countered by force pushing the 7th sister away far enough for him to destroy the droid, then afterwards he charged at the 7th sister.

They violently clashed blades and the 7th sister began to just go full fury on Ezra, In an attempt to overwhelm Ezra but it didn't work out. After only a few minutes later the 7th sister began to tire out, with Ezra still standing due to his hatred fueling his attacks and physical state. Eventually the 7th sister became overwhelmed and got kicked hard I her abdomen causing enough damage to her that Ezra could easily kill her. She stood her ground blocking heavy lightsaber strikes by Ezra, while in pain and eventually getting her lightsaber mocked out of her hands.

The 7th sister dodge a few strikes by Ezra and then force pushing his lightsaber out of his hands, causing them both to begin in a melee fight.

7th sister: this ends now!!

Ezra then ran at her throwing punches at her, with the 7th sister blocking them and countering and leaving herself in a difficult situation. They both violently began throwing punches and kicks as they both took large hits while simultaneously attacking their opponent, and it all came to an end when the 7th sister threw a punch at Ezra, with him catching her fist in is hand and dealing a fatal strike to her face. He then kneed her in the abdomen and threw a few more punches at her while she was defenseless, after a final fatal strike to her Ezra then force pushed her at a wall and began to force choke her, but due to his force powers being limited it barely made an impact on her. She was able to free herself by force pushing Ezra but as she hit the ground Ezra force pulled her towards him and jump kicked her meters down the courtyard causing severe injuries to her. She laid motionless on the floor for a few seconds, and once Ezra looked away she got up slowly to her feet, whilst putting her hand on her stomach.

7th sister: *in pain* who...who are you!
Ezra: your death!!

Ezra than charged at her, but she force pushed him a far distance, enough for her to escape with her lightsaber being picked up as she fleed. She had underestimated Ezra, and from now on would begin to train herself harder in order to combat him growing power. Once Ezra was on his feet he couldn't sense the 7th sister, so he decided to leave her. Instead he would search for the 5th brother, at least he had shown her he can be a force to be feared.


7th sister: *on com* *heavy breathing* 5th brother!....come to my location!
5th brother: 7th sister? What is wrong!?
7th sister: just come to my location now!

After a few minutes the 5th brother met up with the 7th sister who was sat on the floor in pain.

5th brother: what happened!?
7th sister: the boy!...he was too much! I underestimated him. His anger overwhelmed me. I take it he's not happy.
5th brother: I will deal with him. Go inside the complex.
7th sister: ok. *Gets helped up by the 5th brother* good luck.

As the 7th sister made her way inside the imperial complex, the 5th brother prepared for a good fight.

This one was much longer, and I hope you enjoyed the fight 😁 next chapter coming soon 👌 the title of this chapter is based off the fact that the 7th sister is still an unknown character, despite us thinking she was barriss offiee, and she's still a stranger.

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