Ox-Wu: The Ruined

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Sailing in the distance of Zandalar, Ox-Wu rests himself against the back of the boat, longly gazing at an insignia of the Horde Emblem based from the Huojin artwork in the palm of his paw, his Ox engraved insignia carved into his hand barely visible. He'd slowly close his eyes, clenching his fist harshly against the insignia as he'd press his forehead against the fisted insignia. A short form of madness in his mind as his body gives in to the anger, fear and sadness that has caved into him since the Battle at Darkshore. His mind wanders into the memories that hurt his mind.

During the darkness of night, the Horde begins to march into the darkened shores. The Horde and Alliance at war once again as he'd move to show appearance to the assault. A tall, female, night elf assassin jumps down from a tree onto Ox-Wu successfully jumping on making Ox-Wu roll slightly being struct by the elf but is only left blurred being hit with a blunt object. He'd take his long-sword by the hand as he'd begin to start with a long, left strike onto the night elf. The Night Elf, however, using her fast reflects compared to Ox-Wu's heavy and slow strikes. The two-handed blade his kicked into the ground as it gets stuck from the Night Elf slowly kicking it towards the ground. Ox-Wu would blink before being met face to face with the Elf as he'd move for a heavy headbutt with the majority of his mawguard. The Night Elf is struck by the blow, being forced back into the tree, her face is worn and bloody from the harsh head attack. Ox-Wu would slowly un-wedge the sword from the ground as he'd grip it, flipping it around his body before directly thrusting into the Night Elf's gut. He'd stare at her, pinning her against the wall as she'd mutter to him, "You.. serve the false... She is using you." The words mutter to his face would linger from him as he'd let out a short battlecry, pulling the long-sword out of her letting out a large cleave among her throat before letting out one final might cleave to behead the elf. His face covered in the elf's thick blood. He'd turn to the rest of the Horde Soldiers as they rush for the shoreline of the northern border.

Ox-Wu begins to rush towards the northern shoreline with the rest of the horde soldiers. As his eyes would open to the aftermath of the burning of the World Tree. He'd gaze among it a thought of despair coming out of his face with memories leading back to the destruction of the Vale of Eternal Blossoms. His mind would slowly collapse with a Sin'dorei Magister creating portals looking for soldiers to prevent SI:7 and the 7th Legion from taking refugees. Ox-Wu following though would slowly peer around at the destruction of the tree, bodies of both Horde and Alliance. Blood splattered across trees and buildings. Ox-Wu slowly collapses to his knees as he'd peer at the bodies before an SI:7 Agent comes from behind attempting to attack him, before knocking the agent off-guard as he'd move to press his longsword against the agent's chest while lost, peering at him. His eyes watered with his own tears as he'd known his regrets that followed him and that he made when first joining the Horde. He'd peer at the agent's eyes and his to him. Ox-Wu would slowly mutter, "I'm... sorry.." before pulling the longsword out of the agent's body as he'd slowly fall to the ground. Ox-Wu lowers himself to his knees once again before making the agent into a more peaceful position, closing the agent's eyes for him before muttering some words in favour of the agent in Pandaren.

Ox-Wu puts the sword away again before wandering away into the trees again finding another Magister taking Horde soldiers back to Orgrimmar. He didn't sleep much that night. A few days past as he'd talk to his companions in his clan before handing his tabard to his Chieftain and giving his farewell's to his companions, saddened. He had sworn himself to protect his homeland to not see it as Teldrassil is.

Ox-Wu's memory slowly comes to pass as he'd awaken back on the boat, staring down at his Emblem one last time before flicking it into the water, slowly drowning itself in the tides before a Sailor comes to him. "We have arrived in Zandalar." He'd nod lightly taking his longsword from the ground. "Good. I've got a job to do."

Written: 28th August 2018  

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