Ox-Wu: Betrayal from the Dead

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The following day, under the darkened skies of Zuldazar, Ox-Wu wonders around the forests observing the nature of the land, similar to that of the Jade Forest in Pandaria. The calm rain slowly falling down through the treeline onto Ox-Wu's head, but he doesn't seem to care. He'd feel refreshed from it. Gizmo slowly wandering beside him as he does what he does best, staring at things to take an analysis of the landscape of Zuldazar. Before something begins to rustle in the treeline bushes, while Ox-Wu takes note of this, he does seem to respond to it then and there until suddenly two Forsaken Assassin jumps out from the trees in front of him and another one coming from the treeline bushes to the side. "You have committed sedition against the Warchief. The verdict for sedition is death." The forsaken officer states. Ox-Wu blinks at the Forsaken's verdict, taking out his claymore sword from his back, Gizmo slowly moving away behind a large tree, out of sight. "I have not done such an action." Ox-Wu states. "Tents are not sound-proof, Pandaren." the officer replies back with Ox-Wu blinking at his action.

Ox-Wu shifts into a more defensive stance, observing over the two fresh, forsaken assassins in front of him. He moves into a left-facing side stance, his claymore level with his head as he'd observe over the assassins. The officer staying on the treeline, observing the Pandaren and the assassins. "Kill him." the officer commanded. Both of the assassins would move to attempt to intercept the pandaren, each of them going towards different sides of Ox-Wu. Ox-Wu collects himself as he'd turn to kick the Assassin on his left with a back, plated kick knocking her to the ground with his heavyweight from both himself and his armour, before parrying the second assassin's blades, giving himself chance now to focus on it. He'd let out a short battle growl at the assassin before moving to elbow the assassin in the chest, with it being distracted from the parry, letting his sword do a little swing to chop both of the assassin's hands off from her body, preventing her from attacking him with a sword.

His attention now turns towards the first assassin however upon observing over to where he left him, he'd already gotten back up and standing right beside him, with a rather sharp, pointy dagger into his side that has penetrated through his armour. He'd grunt in dreadful pain before punching the forsaken harshly with his plated gauntlet, knocking the assassin onto the floor, grabbing hold of the forsaken's second dagger as he'd move to strike the dagger through the forsaken's head, before moving to slice the head of the first forsaken assassin body, green blood spewing lightly from the cut. He'd move to repeat the same punishment for the second assassin, taking their unlive from them.

Ox-Wu gives a short snarl and growls towards the officer with the two assassins killed beside Ox-Wu. He'd shout"And what do you want now? Finish me off!" The officer only gives a short smirk before muttering, "I don't need to. My work is done." before slowly wandering away back into the bushes, leaving the scene of the battle. Ox-Wu takes a single step forward going to rush towards the Officer before collapsing lightly on the ground, peering at the dagger wound in his left side with his own and a green venom inside him. Gizmo peers around the tree, moving towards Ox-Wu to give him a form of aid. He'd scan the Pandaren's health before saying, "You seem to have been poisoned, Master Bearhardt". With a large grunt and deep sigh, "You know, I feel I can tell... Do you have.. my bag?..."  Ox-Wu tries to look up at the Gnomish Machine, taking out the dagger from his side, trying to keep the poison from going further into his body and increasing the amount, but before slowly stumble, falling onto his back. Gizmo slowly turns back towards the tree, dragging out a small pandaren satchel before saying, "How may I be of assistance?". "Grab the yellow...Ugh, vial that has the picture... of a cauldron on it. Put it in my maw." Ox-Wu replies, still in pain before Gizmo follows the commands given by the Pandaren, taking the Pandaren's mawguard off his face, depositing the vial's contents into the Pandaren's throat, letting out a short gasp, reaching out to take a small bandage wrapping it around the pierced hole in his armour. "We need to get out of here... Fast too..." He'd state getting himself up, Gizmo trying to help but really just doing nothing before the duo moves to take themselves towards the Desert of Vol'Dun.

Written: Sunday 30th September 2018  

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