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Jimin was walking through the hallway in school with a book in his hand, learning for the test they were going to have after the break.

Jungkook saw him walk cutely while scanning the book carefully and smiles. He always does. Whatever Jimin does makes him smile. He doesn't notice he does though.

But when his gaze followed Jimin, there were a group of other guys following him with dirty smiles. Jungkook was about to go to him, but a teacher was calling for him right before he could. Jungkook had a weird feeling, but maybe they didn't follow him and minded their own business.

"Yeah, mister Lee?"

"So there was t...-"

Jungkook tried to listen to him, but his head subconsciously turned over to Jimin again, but he was suddenly nowhere to be seen. It wasn't even 1 minute ago the last time he saw him, but where he actually had to be isn't where he actually is. He panics and scanns the whole hallway, hoping too see Jimin's figure.

Maybe he's in the restroom..

Jungkook thought, finally making his way to the restroom, when the teacher stopped talking.

On his way there, he sees a boy standing infront of the restroom, hitting all the boys who near the room, telling them to fuck off and go.

That wouldn't hold Jungkook back from entering restroom though, Jungkook is really strong. Maybe he would work out here and there, when he has time. He got the body after all.

He was standing right infront of the restroom, the boy looked at him with judging eyes, ready to fight. Jungkook took him by his jacket and shook him out of his way without much force.

But when he entered, his eyes widened.

He saw 3 tall guys surrounding a shaking smaller guy, who turned out to be Jimin.

Words like "ugly", "fat", "slut" and every word that could hurt Jimin were echoing around the room.

Jungkook's blood started to boil from anger by the sight of Jimin's eyes building tears and his hands shaking from fear.

"What do you think you're doing?"

Jungkook yelled, making the boys shiver. They turned around with disgust written on their faces but deep inside, they were afraid because they know how Jungkook is, when he's mad. Everyone knows.

Jungkook builds a fist out of his hands and hits the boys hard in the face. Jimin flinches by the sudden move, tears still making their way down his cheeks.

The boys ran away in a hurry, scared from getting hit again.

Jungkook sighs, spending no second to run over to Jimin, who was looking at Jungkook with tears in his eyes.

Jungkook didn't like that sight. He loved Jimin's smile, oh dear, he did.

But this face of Jimin's was his biggest fear, seeing his actually full of smiles filled face breaking into tears and sadness.

Jungkook opens his arms for Jimin and embraces his trembling body.

Jimin was shocked at first, but he responded very fast, tucking his little hands around Jungkook's back.

Jungkook took one hand to caress Jimin's hair, trying to calm him down. He was not a person who would take care of someone who's crying but he would never just watch Jimin cry infront of him without doing anything.

Jungkook could hear Jimin mumble a tiny 'thank you' through his sobs, making Jungkook's heart skip a beat.

They loose the hug after a few minutes and wouldn't look into each other's eyes.

"H-hey.. You look ugly when you cry"

Jungkook breaks the silence, making Jimin panic, drying off his tears in a hurry.

"O-oh.. I'm sorry.." He said worried, looking into the mirror with a sad face, looking at himself.

Ooh no I think I said sonething wrong, oh man, why would I make this even worse, I didn't mean it like that... Jungkook thought.

"You look prettier when you smile"

Jungkook added, making eye contact with Jimin, who started to get a blushing mess.

"O-oh really....? ... I'll try to smile more often then.." Jimin said with a smile, looking down on the ground, too embarrassed to look into Jungkook's eyes.

Jungkook smiles, knowing he saved the awkward situation somehow.

"Uh well.. I'm late for class, I gotta go..., bye.." Jungkook says awkwardly, making his way to the door.

"Aah, me too!" Jimin runs out the room, but was held by a hand before he could.

"Smile a lot in the future" Jungkook says before he makes his way to his class.

Jimin blushes by his words and runs away with his tomato red cheeks.


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