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j i m i n    f o c u s

"It probably was.. I mean, this whole building probably was. Too bad they didn't pay enough to have good elevator service; otherwise we wouldn't be stuck in here.", I slumped, trying to sound more bummed out that I actually was about the situation. I kept on glancing at the details before turning around at the feeling of his strong stare.

His gaze was capturing, to say the least, causing my eyes to get lost in his. I mirrored his position, though, unlike him, I was careful not to graze my dirty surroundings.

That's when I realized who the person sitting in front of me really was. A 28 year old man; as I had earlier been told by him. He's a 'straight and dominant male', as he insists. He feels like he can express himself through writing, his hair, and- much like me- music. He has a cute button nose, and big brown orbs for eyes. He's got a piercing pair of dimples that go with his perfectly imperfect smile and- although he can get to be annoying; I don't think I've ever been more attracted to a guy in my life.

To say he's clumsy is an understatement. A liar- that's something he is too. Insensitive. Passionate. Dense. Oblivious. Gullible. And possibly the kindest, sweetest, loveliest guy to be around.

We're barely an hour into this mess, and I'm guessing that's some sort of milestone. I don't know if we'll meet after this, or if we'll hate each other, but for now; I wanna keep Namjoon as close to me as possible. Why? Because, you may not believe me but;

 I may have just fallen for the clumsiest, most dense, most luring person that you've ever met.

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