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j i m i n   f o c u s

A long time has passed since we got stuck in here.

I'm not sure how long. I stopped counting after the first hour.

Maybe Namjoon's been counting.

I think it's been an hour and a half? Two? I don't know. As I said, I stopped counting.

All I know is, I don't really wanna leave.


Well, because Namjoon's here, and I'm not sure that we'll ever speak again after this. So I want to savor every moment. Every cute smile. Every stupid joke. Everything. Because, after this, he'll leave. Just like everyone else always does.

But right now, he's here.

Right now, he's here with me.

Namjoon's here. With me. In a terribly spectacular situation. 

And here I am, wondering whether he feels the same.

Wondering, wondering, wondering if he feels, even just a little bit like me.


What a pretty name.

"What?", I suddenly heard a faint deep voice. Namjoon's voice.

"Hm?", I replied, confused.

"W-What did you say about my name..? You said something. What was it?", He asked. And that's when I noticed I was thinking out loud.

"Shit. Sorry! I didn't mean to... I was just talking to myself. Bad habit..."

"Cute.", I heard him chuckle out fondly. "What'd you say, anyway?", He asked again.

"N-Nothing. I just thought that– that 'Namjoon' was a pretty name."


Wondering, wondering, wondering, if there was even the slightest chance of him feeling that way too.

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