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n o   p e r s o n   f o c u s

5 Months Later

"No, Jisoo. I didn't bring the documents."

"Well then, Mister Kim, with all do respect; how do you suppose to show up to a meeting if you forgot the papers? It's like going to the airport without your passport. Oh wait! You've done that too–"

"–No need to chew his ear off, Miss Jisoo. I have them right here," A higher pitched voice cuts in, startling the argumentative pair.

"Mister Park! What a pleasant surprise. I should get going then. And don't be late Mister Kim."

"I won't be!", Namjoon shouted after her, just as she closed the door shut behind her.

It's been five months since the whole love confession ordeal, and everything is back to normal for the most part.

Namjoon has gotten back to work, and Jimin has as well. He finally had the court case with that Kim YuGyeom guy a few weeks ago, and Joon came out as bisexual last month.

They couldn't be happier.

Oh and– I forgot to mention– they finally got together.

"What have you done today, Baby?"

"Seriously, Minnie? You're calling me Baby? I thought that was my thing."

"Nope. You're thing is Minnie.", Jimin snaps back, making Namjoon giggle.

After Joon's confession, Jimin began crying. It was an emotional moment for the both of them. Although, that doesn't take away from the fact that there were a few miscommunications here and there.


"I love you," Namjoon and Jimin sat on the sofa, legs touching, heart's beating rapidly.


"I said, I lo–"

"–No, I heard what you said but.. I'm just not sure if it's true..."

"Why wouldn't it be?"

"Maybe because you're not gay? Or because we barely know each other? Or maybe it's because we could never have a normal relationship with me being germaphobic."

"But, Jimin–"

"No! It's not fair!", Jimin finally snapped, "I tried to tell you. I tried to say that I wanted something more, something better. But you just- you just left me there!", To say Jimin was mad was an understatement. He was livid. And he was crying.

Even after coming to terms with his feelings, he just couldn't part from that hint of hatred he had for the elder. It just wasn't fair for him to use him like that. If Namjoon had wanted to explore his sexuality, then he should've done it with someone else. Someone at his disposal. Not Park Jimin.

"Look, Jiminie, I-I know it's unfair. I know it's selfish of me. And trust me when I say I'm sorry. But I've finally come to- um- to terms with my feelings. So, uh. Yeah. I think I'm ready now." , Namjoon awkwardly looked away from the pair of golden eyes that were digging into him. He felt uncomfortable, to say the least, as he didn't usually talk about his feelings.

At that, Jimin cried harder. Fat tears were spilling out of his big eyes, small sobs were wrenching their way out of his mouth. And Namjoon couldn't bare the thought of Jimin being unhappy because of him.

"M-Minnie? Why are you crying?", The elder questioned, his voice shaking and lips trembling slightly.

Jimin didn't respond. He just leaned forward, and leaned into Namjoon, trying his hardest to not get snot on the latter's jacket because, "I love you too."


It was a bittersweet moment, and I think it's worth mentioning that they didn't get together right away. That was five months ago. They went on a few dates, and after a month, Namjoon finally got the balls to ask Jimin to be his boyfriend. Of course Jimin said yes.

They've only been together about four months, although kissing is barely a thing, and I'm sure you can guess why.

"Hey, love, why'd you have my documents? I left them at home."

"Because I knew you'd forget them, so I just used the spare key you gave me to break in."

"Break in? I didn't know you were a thief!", At this, Jimin let out an airy giggle, hitting at his boyfriend's shoulder playfully with his leather glove. Suddenly, a small knock on the door makes their movements halt.

"Sorry to interrupt. Mister Park, I need your signature for a few things."

"Oh, um, yes. Thank you, Lisa. Please, call me Jimin.", He paused, waiting for the door to close behind the pregnant woman, before he said,"Well, I need to get going. I'll see you tonight? My place, we can sit on the couch and watch a movie as I struggle to cuddle with you."

Namjoon actually laughed at the snarky remark,"Of course. And, Park, I think we both know we're not a conventional couple."

Jimin smirks at Namjoon as he shuts the door behind himself, "I'll say. I mean, we met at an elevator with bad music."

But really, they couldn't be happier.

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