You're a what?!

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Dont mind the picture again


I wake up so suddenly. I never do. I'm usually the one person who stays asleep for as long as they want to. I was forced awake. My battery isn't even fully- er, forget what I just said.

My dad and Peter stares at me. Dad's face was worried and Peter's was full concern. What happened?

"Why didn't you tell me? " Peter said, sternly. "Tell you what, Peter? " A laugh slipped into my voice.

Peter reached from across my neck and pulled out... A plug? Aw crap!

Peter shakes the cord and said, "This was in your neck! " He hissed.

"Peter, stop. " My dad sounded like he was trying to comfort Peter, but it wasn't working.

"No Mr. Stark, you and y/n hide this huge secret from me for like, what, 2 years? " (You guys started dating in 2016) You jumped off the table you woke up on and said "Well, no point keeping this from you. "

Peter eyes widen when you said "Peter, I am an Android. "

Peter's POV

"Peter, I am an Android. " Oh, my, God. I can't believe it. I'm dating an Android. Somehow, I still love her. Not to mention, I'm a science freak. It'll be so much fun to work on y/n when she has a malfunction or something.

I walked back and forth with my hands running through my hair. "How dis this happen? Where you experiment on after an incident? Like Cyborg from Justice League?! " Did I go to far with the nerdy thing?

Y/n laughed and said, "No, I was born an Android. My dad being the smartest person in the world he is built me to look and grow up as an human. So I was a kid, like you were, just stronger and smarter. "

"Wait, are you stronger than me? " I glared. "And possibly faster. " Y/n smiles. "No wonder. " Y/n has always bet me in a race. Even when I became Spiderman.

"And you wait for 2 and a half years to tell me this because??? " I raised one eyebrow.

"I just thought it'll be safer this way. You enemies already know who you are and me telling you causes me to get capture and tortured and pretty much as bait to get you and the Avengers. " Y/n says it like it's nothing. I literally was shaking while telling her the same thing.

I was about to open my mouth when an explosion was sounded downstairs. "Oh my god, can't there be one day where somebody isn't trying yo kill us?! " Y/n glares at here father who just shrugs.

We all run downstairs and see a man covered in black, all black. "Who the hell are you? " Mr. Stark yells. It sounds more like an order.

Mr. Black grabs a small chip of the table and pretty much triggers Mr. Stark. "Hey! No, give that back! " Mr. Black says as Mr. Stark jumps on his back. He knocks Mr. Stark off of him and run towards y/n.

His actions triggers me too. I sprinted towards y/n but Mr. Black was closer to her than I was, since I had to help Mr. Stark.

He reaches y/n and she tries to fight back, she kicks and punches and manages to knock the man out, but whatever chip he put in her neck knocks her out too. I catch y/n before she falls and hits the floor.

"Come on kid, we gotta take her to the lab. We have to get to her files before the virus takes over. " Mr. Stark says.

Yes,I finally get to work on her! I-i mean, oh no, I hope shes ok.

Dangerously In Love// A Peter Parker ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now