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"Tom! " You whine from the bedroom. "Yes love? " Tom walked in, his shirt half button up. You furiously blush.
Tom laughed at your adorableness and sat next to you on the messy bed you both woke up on.

"Why you always gotta leave so early? " You complain. "Babe, you know you have to get out of bed too. We both have to work on the movie. " Tom smiles. Your eyes widen and you run out of bed to put on some clothes.

You and Tom Holland are professional actors and world's most cutest couple. You met 2 years ago. At the beginning of Spiderman being cast. Tom got Peter Parker/Spiderman and you got Y/n Stark/Stormy Weather.(How funny is it that you got the same name as your character? 😂😂)You both played a character that fell in love with each in the movie. And slowly, you both started to fall in love too.

It was 3 months later Tom asked for you to be his girlfriend and you said yes. Before then, people kept asking them if they were together, they always say no, but now it's official.

You pulled on a sweater and jeans, threw on some shoes and ran downstairs to the door Tom was waiting by. Once you reach him, he opens the door and let's you through first. A car was waiting outside to drop you off at the set.

As soon as you got there, you were greeted by Zendaya, Jacob, Laura, and Harrison. You had to go get your hair and makeup done for the movie, so you walked with Zendaya and Laura to the station.

Soon, it was time to start filming. It was the scene when Y/n Stark was acting strange and the opposite behavior that she usually is. The director starts filming and says "ACTION! "

Y/n: "We're close. It's 11: 43 pm, can we just start again tomorrow? I bet Aunt May is worried about you. "

Peter: "Y/n, seriously, what's wrong, what did I do? "

Y/n: "Peter, stop asking me that question, you already know what you did. "
Peter: "No, y/n, I don't. "

Y/n: "Fine, let me refresh your memory. That party on Wednesday, you kissed Liz. "

Peter: "Wha? No, I didn't. "

Y/n: "Yes, you did! Why are you lying? "

Peter: "I'm not lying! Y/n, I was with you the whole time! Are you ok? You know you got drunk at the party, you probably just imagined it. "

Y/n: "I know I didn't, it's in my memory files! "

Peter: *sighs and turned his back towards y/n.* "I get it, you don't trust me. But that's ok."

Y/n: "What do you mean? "

Peter: *Facing y/n and is mad. "Look y/n, I don't know what I ever actually did to you. But if you're mad at me, why don't you just break up with me? "

Y/n: *thoughts* My robotic whole heart just shattered to pieces.

Peter: "You know what? I'll just do it myself. Goodbye y/n."

"Cut! "

Your head looks down when everyone goes about they're business. Tom lifts your head with his fingers, forcing you to look at him. "What's wrong love? " He asked. You're trying hard not to cry and told him, "I-i just had this weird thought that... at some point, me and you will, split up. Like in the movie. " Tom looks at you with confusion then smiles. His smile is like a warm fire in your heart, burning away all your problems.

"Darling, I promise, for as long I live. I will always be with you. " He tells you as his face digs through your hair. You bury your face into his chest at the same time. "Thanks, Tom. "

Suddenly, you guys hear a camera click, a flash of light, and an "Awww."

And there was Zendaya holding up here phone, Jacob smirking, and Laura and Harrison gushing and repeatedly saying "Aww". Z puts her phone down and starts texting someone. Your phone buzzes in your pocket and you got a text from Z, a picture of you and Tom burying your faces into each other and a message saying, " You guys are such relationship goals. "

Tom leans over to see what your phone says and then kisses your forehead, "We totally are. "

A/n: OH,MY, IRENE! Thank you guys sooooo much for 2K views and 60 votes! I never excepted anyone to read my stories. I'm so... Just... Ughhh! I can't speak right! Make sure to read my other stories and follow me on Instagram @xxprixceszkayxx and I will follow you back. Thank you, thank you, thank you soo much!!!

Bye Friends!

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