Ranked Cutest

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You finally made it to class. You took deep breaths outside the class door. You wondered why is it so loud in there? You pushed open the door to find teenagers on the desks and phones outs and loud, loud talking. You realize the teacher wasn't there yet. So you sighed, but still quietly slipped into the room. You hate being the center of attention and you didn't want to be seen entering the classroom, mostly because Flash Thompson would tattle tale on you. You see one of your best friends, Ned, at his desk. He had Headphones on. "Hi Ned! " You smiled at Ned. He smiled back and took off his Headphones. "Hey y/n, How you been? " "Hmm, tired. I forgot to set my alarm and I was late to school. Then I had to run all the way to the class. " Your Dad, Peter and Ned, and the Avengers all knew that when your just your normal self, running was not at all your skills. You liked inside stuff. But when it comes to protecting important ones and stuff, you were faster than Quicksilver.

"Where's the teacher? " You asked. "She had some papers to run. " Ned answered. "Hm." You said. Then Flash came speeding to your side. "Hey y/n, I see that Peter isn't here. " He smirks. Flash is obsessed with you, for some reason. Boys literally ranked you 3rd hottest girl in the school. Felicity Danvers is 1st and Charlotte Charles is 2cd. Flash wanted to date Felicity or Charlotte, but they're already taken. Flash knows you're taken too, but since your boyfriend, Peter Parker, is Flash's bully target, he thinks he is strong enough to try to take down Peter and take you after you and Peter break up for some reason.

"Go away Flash. " You mumbled. Flash frowns. He sits on the chair next to you. His fingers run across your face. You smacked them off. "Oh, come on babe. " He says. "Look dude, she doesn't want anything to do with you. LEAVE HER ALONE! " Ned yells at Flash. "Ugh, whatever. " Flash walks away. "Thanks Ned. " You said. "No problem. Peter said to always do that when Flash does, that. " Ned said. Then your teacher walks in. "Ok, let's get started. " She says.

Dangerously In Love// A Peter Parker ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now