You're not the one I wanted

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Warning:a little bit of language.
You wake up in a sewer. Ugh. "Y/n! " You can still hear Peter screaming your name before being taken away. "Ah, you're awake. " The lizard comes out the shadows, his tail dragging along your face. You twitch it off. "Aw, come on love. You will never leave your boyfriend in a dump, would you? " The lizard said. "Ex boyfriend. " You said. "Aw, so you do remember me? " The lizard sighs. "Of course! How could I have forgotten the dick who killed my best friend, Aaron? " You smirked. "It was her fault! She should have let me date her after we broke up! So I knew how much she liked science... " He trailed off. "So you used on of your death potions on her, just because she didn't want to date her best friend's ex. She was smart, y'know. " You smiled. "And now, I'm going after your new boyfriend, that Peter Parker. " Aaron turned away. "Don't do that! And, what happened to you anyways? " You asked him. "One of my new potions! Except that it has one small thing that I did wrong. " He muttered. You smiled. "You can't change back to a human, can you?" "Maybe.. " He answered. A small laugh slipped through your lips. He whipped around to stare at you, and you immediately stop laughing. Aaron walks away, leaving you thinking, "Where is Peter? "
Peter woke up by a building. He rubbed his head for a while then totally remember. "Aw crap, y/n! Where did he take her, Karen? " Peter asked the voice in his suit. "I found the location, " Karen said. "Y/n Y/l/n can be found by a sewer near Delmar's. " "Thanks Karen. " Peter said, then swing off to go find you.
You sat in boredom before Aaron came back with a bottle and a dagger. "W-what's that for? " You stuttered. "You have a choice, take the bottle to be under my control, or take the dagger, so when you don't want to take the potion, you die. " The green lizard said. Then, a web shoots the dagger and potion out of Aaron's hand. You both look up to see spiderman hanging from the ceiling. "Dude, I don't think she wants neither of that. " Spiderman says. The lizard growls and goes after spiderman. As they fight, you tried to get untied. You stopped for a while to watch the fight, hoping when spiderman wins, he'll get you untied. Aaron throws some weird, gross spit at spiderman, making him stick to the wall. Aaron comes back to you and picks up the dagger. "Looks like spiderman chose the decision for you. " Then Aaron sticks the dagger into your stomach. "No! Y/n! " Peter yells. Aaron unties you and throws you on the ground. He was about to finish the job before he got blast and went flying through a wall. Iron Man A. K. A, your dad, gets Peter out of the goo and comes running to you. "Y/n! Are you ok? " You don't answered. Your dad feels for your heartbeat, but there isn't one. "Oh no. " Iron Man picks you up bridal style and flys you to a hospital, with spiderman behind.

At the hospital, Tony and Peter sits waiting for you, to see how your doing. A nurse came out to spoil the news. "I don't think she can make it, sir. "

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