Don't know the difference of saving or destroying the world

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Peter's POV:

Before I could be electrocuted, someone sent strings to y/n, tying it around her and caused her to fall to the ground.

"Thanks Widow. " I sighed in relief. "No prob. Now where's the weirdo whose doing this to my niece? " Natasha growls.

"Oh, Agent Romanoff! So glad you can make it! " Loki yells from the other side if the room.

Without a word, Natasha went running after Loki. I watched in awe and looked down to see the strings that y/n was stuck in freely lying on the ground. "Crap! Where did she go?! " I said, worried.

Once then, a door open and y/n was running out of it.
Your POV:

I ran out of the warehouse, looking back to see if spiderboy was following. When there was no trace of him, I stopped running. Something's coming, but it's not spiderman.

"Y/n! Oh, I'm so glad you're safe! " Captain America comes... Hugging me? Ew.

The winter soldier follows behind, smiling at me. Am I supposed to be all family lovey dovey with them?

"Ok, Captain, why are you touching me? " I asked him. "I should have known hanging out with Natasha too much will lose your ability to hug. " He chuckles. "Come on, y/n, we're getting out of here! " Winter Soldier says. I forced a tornado towards his way, blowing him off the ground. "Don't touch me. I don't know who the hell you think you are, but I'm not going with you guys. " I stood tall. "I'm trying to save the world, not destroy it. "

A/n: So, yeah, I'm trying to get as much of chapters done for you guys because believe me, having over 600 views on my story makes me soo happy! I love you all and friendly reminder, I will be happy to squeeze in some requests for you guys. Thank you soo much and have a amazing day!! 😍🖤💛💓💛💓

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