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I'm still standing in the alley, shocked about what just happened. What did just happened?

"Y/n?" Someone yelled out my name which caused me to come back to real life.

I looked up on the building in front of me and there was Bucky. He jumped off, landed in front of me and squeezed me until I turned purple. When he let go, he asked, "Why are you here? You never answered my calls. We were all so worried. Oh, god the others, I gotta let them know I found you and... " Bucky looked closely at my face.

"Hey, are, you ok? " "I-" I couldn't even finish my sentence. It was quiet until Bucky broke the silence. "We heard that your father is missing. We'll look for him while you go home and go to sleep. " In response, I hummed and went home. I'm really not interested in finding my dad. Peter, is the only thing on my mind, and how I thought, Why did I even date him?


I woke up and there was a figure at the edge of my bed. My systems went off like crazy, telling me to panic because there was an unexpected person sitting on my bed.

"Y/N! You're awake! " Wanda says, climbing across the bed to lay next to me. I unplugged my charger as she finally reaches me and stares up at the ceiling.

"So, how are you feeling? " Wanda asked. "What? " I stared at her confused. "You know, with your dad missing, " "Not really hurt about that. " "Your break up with Peter? " My eyes widen and I sat straight up. "How did you heard about this? " "I went into your mind. " She smirks. I lay back down as soon as Wanda sits up. "So, how do you feel about it? " "It's, ok, I'm also not so broken about this. " Why do I feel like I'm lying to myself?

"What caused this relationship to end? " Wanda raised an eyebrow. I sighed. "He was being stupid. " Wanda rolled her eyes. "Aren't all men stupid? Tell me specifically what happened. " Wanda's accent sounded tough.

I sighed again and told her what happened. After the story, Wanda looked lost. "Are you sure you're telling this story right? " "What do you mean? " I looked her. "You came home and looked ok with everything. " "Well, I wasn't. I was extremely pissed. " "You didn't look like it" "Maybe I was hiding it. " "Y/n, are you ok? " "I'M FINE! Just, leave me alone. " I threw the covers on top of me. It been at least a minute until Wanda got up and walked out.

I got out of the covers and groaned. Everyone is being so rude. First my dad, then Peter, now Wanda? What's next, Sam and Bucky?

Next week

"Y/n! Cometh and watch knights fight with me and Bucky! We shall not do, the manly things! " Sam says, chokes, then laughs uncontrollably with Bucky. Never, they're always rude.


When I arrived at school, everything was quiet, too quiet. Wait, people aren't being quiet, no ones even here...
CRAP! Late for class, again!

I ran down the hallway and into my my class. I entered as calm as possible. When I open the door, everyone stared at me. And it wasn't one of those "You're late to class stares", it was more like, " Someone spread drama around "stares. The teacher didn't want anything to do with me, so I walked to my seat.

As I went down the aisle, there was whispers. When I say in my seat, everyone's eyes we're on me. Then a ding came from a phone, followed by others. The teacher wasn't looking, so everyone pulled out their phones, and more whispers had filled the room. I pulled out my phone to see what's going on.

Liz Toomes had posted something, something that had to do with me.

I clicked on the notification and it was a video.

A video of her and Peter, hugging, holding hands, and, kissing?! I stared in disbelief. Did he really went straight to Liz, after HE broke up with ME? Did he really break up with me, just so he can have Liz? I felt tears welling up in my eyes. Oh god, liquid is falling out my eyes. I still felt everyone's eyes on me. It made it worse when I realized, this is my 1st class of the day.

I looked across the room, Peter and Ned was staring at me. Peter shrugged and looked like he didn't care, while Ned looked hurt, even though this wasn't happening to him.

I can't breathe, my heart was racing. I don't know what to do...

I ran out the classroom and everyone still stared at me, all with concern. But, not Peter, he didn't care at all. All he cared now, is about Liz.


I walked through the door of my house, it was so quiet. "Hello? " My voiced cracked from crying all day. Nobody answered. What the hell...
My thoughts cut of after a bag flew over my head.

I eyes seen all dark around me. The bag grew tighter around my neck, causing me to lose breath. A voice echoed into the bag.

"You don't have to admit y/n, we know you want your father back. We know where he is, we'll take him to you. But you'll have to give something in return. " A voice said.

I tried to fight back, but he was surprisingly stronger. "I won't do it, whatever it is. " I said, gasping in between the words. "Oh, yes you will. " And the voice went out, as well as me. "Yes you will. "

A/n: ok this was bad. I tried to still play along with the story without changing any details, but it was to hard. 😔

Anyways, bye friends.

Dangerously In Love// A Peter Parker ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now