Never were, Never will

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"I'm still confused! What just happened?! " Peter yelled across the lab. "You need to calm down. " Tony said, not lifting his head from the computer. "How are you not freaking out?! This is your daughter we're talking about! And now she's under someone's control! " Peter runs his hands through his chocolate curls, huffing and puffing. "Ok Spiderwolf, I found her location. First, we need to..." The lab's door slammed shut. "Peter? " Tony called out. "Crap."
Your eyes droop as you stand in boredom as Loki goes over his plan to take over the world. "Didn't you say that you wanted Asgard? " You interrupt. "Well, yeah. But we need take over earth, then Asgard. Because I at least need a world I can rule, Earth should be easy. " Loki responded. You sighed then hummed at his answer. "Ok, so me and my army goes after the Avengers, and you go after spiderboy." Loki continues. "Spiderman, and why do I feel like I know him? " You asked. "Oh right. " Loki walks over and places his specter on your chest, flinches then place it on your forehead. "Don't wanna make that mistake. Can't believe that when I place the forehead, I can make you stronger. Downside is that it can't last forever. " Loki frowns. You stand with your wide eyes, then said, "Go after the weird spiderboy, got it. " "Good." Loki smirks.
Peter's POV
I sprinted from building to building. Karen got the location from Tony's computer and told me that y/n's was in an abandoned warehouse. "Incoming call from Mr. Stark. " Karen ranged. "Kid, where are you? " Mr. Stark says. "I'm at the abandoned warehouse, where y/n is. " I said, looking through the warehouse's windows. "There she is! Mr. Stark, I gotta go! " I said. "Don't you dare hang up on me you little... " Then I hanged up.

I opened the window quietly and slipped down to the ground. Y/n stands in place, not moving at all. "Hey y/n, " I whispered. "Babe, I'm gonna get you out of here. " Y/n turns around, her eyes still purple and stares at me like I said something wrong. Did I say something wrong? "Who do you think you're calling babe? " She raises a eyebrow at me. "It's me, Peter. I'm your boyfriend, remember? " I tried touching her hand.

She grabs it. I think I finally got to her. When she put her hand in mine, she picks up the other hand and used it to shove me to the ground. As I tried to get up, she smirks and said " We never were, and never will be. " She raised one hand to send sudden lightening to me.

Well, this went well.

Dangerously In Love// A Peter Parker ImagineWhere stories live. Discover now