Chapter 3

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Keith's POV
Lance got off the bed and went to the bathroom in the back of the cockpit. He had a soft smile on his face but I could tell that something was up.

"Ahaha~" Caspian had woken up and got himself entangled in the blankets and was flailing around. I plonk down beside him and unwrapped him, he reaches out to me and wriggles his little fingers.

"Are you causing trouble?~" I joke with him, his eyes widen and he looks a little sad but still has a smile. "Nah ha...I not~"

I bop his nose and place him back on the bed, he claws at it and then curls in a ball and starts purring.

Once seeing that he is asleep, I get up and walk over to the control panel. There I see a photo lying on the side. I grab the picture and turn it over.

It is a faded picture of Lance with his family, a really big family. I look at the people and can definitely see that Lance gets his beauty from his mum.

The picture displayed happiness that had long faded from Lance's expression but I hope that I can bring it back.

Now that I think about it, Beautiful Blue will be scarred because of everything Shiro has done. He will probably be haunted by the memory of it.

Despite this, I will be there every step of the way, I will never leave him alone again.

"-eth...ieth.....Keith!!" Blue screeches at me and I realise that I had gotten lost in my thoughts.

"It's Lance!!" She was about to say something more but she didn't have to because I was already dashing to the bathroom door.

The tone in her magical voice told everything but I prayed it wasn't true. I reach the door only to find it locked. Argh!

"Lance, please let me in." I say it with calm, trying not to alert him. When I hear no response, I start to get more nervous.

There is a little metal like clank in the ground of the bathroom. My heart sinks and I start to bang on the locked door, I have to get in.

"Lance!!...bang bang....let me!...bang...IN!!!" The door won't budge and I'm getting very frantic, my heightened Galra hearing is picking up sounds of crying.

'Come on! Open!!' I know thinking it will do nothing but as I bang on the door one more time, I fall through.

Blue had opened the bathroom door as I bang on it, so I ended up on the ground. The floor tiles smacked my face. Ouch.

I lift my head off the ground to see Lance also on the floor. He was hugging himself and crying, his tail was wrapped around his slim frame.

Getting off the ground, I move over to him and lift him up so he is sitting. "....Lance..." His eyes crack open but he doesn't look at me. To think of it, I don't believe he has looked at me in a very long time.

I miss his hugging and soft touch. "sniff...I-I'm sorry...hic...." He shakes as he speaks and leans into my gentle hold.

" said that you wouldn't do it again." I try to pull him off the ground but he makes no effort to get up. I sigh and sit down with him.

"....I c-can't....I need i-it..." He actually looks at me and I see two ocean blue eye riddled with the bloodshot colour of pain and sadness as a river of caged emotions flood down his face.

My gaze goes to his arms and the thin, light lines that spread across his skin are not life threatening but the are concerning; because they are there.

I bring him into a hug and he rests his head on my chest. "Lance. You and I, together, will find another way." He shows confusion.

"An alternative. Some way to express and release the emotions that you feel, without hurting yourself." Lance stiffens and I give a soft growl to comfort his nerves.

"I will always be with you. We will do this together." He nods and I get of the ground and so does he. We both walk over to the bed where Caspian lays sleeping.

He sits down and I get out the bandages. Once his arms are cleaned and wrapped up he cuddles up to our little baby and I go back to the bathroom.

I pick up the sharpener blade and flush it down the toilet. Then, I go back to the bed. I don't hop in though, I stay on the ground beside the bed to think of ways I could help my boyfriend.

My mind won't let me rest until I think of something. I look at Lance and notice that he quickly fell into the calm of sleep. His body must be so exhausted from loosing blood and healing from a near death experience.

My hand strokes his soft purple face and he cracks a small smile, a real smile.

"Lance, lean on me for the strength to continue~"

Family Of Blue Pt.2Where stories live. Discover now