Chapter 9

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Third POV
Keith walked Lance all the way down to the village hospital.
With Keith worrying about Lance's health he was walking at an exceptional pace. Lance, who was smaller than the half Galra, couldn't keep up.

They came to a dip in the road and Lance tripped over and fell. Weakened by the unknown sickness, the ex Paladin couldn't get back up.

Keith turned around when he felt Lance fall, he crouched down and picked his boyfriend up.

"Baby I'm sorry, I'll carry you there." Keith felt guilty for rushing to fast for his ill loved one.

They continued to make their way to the hospital when Lance gently tapped Keith's shoulder. "We left Caspian at home..." Shoot! He was right, in the older males panic they had forgotten about their adopted child.

The Catsy that came running down the streets earlier was sitting outside the café, Keith strode over to him.

"We left our child at home, could you please go watch him for us?" The Catsy looked up at them and nodded whilst walking away to the little purple house.


Once they had made it to the hospital, nurses came over and placed Lance on a bed. A male nurse appeared next to Keith and sat his hand on his shoulder.

"What seems to be the problem?" The nurse said with a soft tone. Keith watched as the other nurses attached a heart monitor to Lances feminine frame for extra measure.

"He's been throwing up every morning for about 5 days." The half Galra told the nurse what Lance had told him. The Catsy began to think of possible reasons.
Then it hit him, the nurse exited the room and soon came back in with an odd machine. He moved over to Lance and took the contraption with him.

"May you please remove your shirt."

The smaller Galra on the bed took off his shirt and looked puzzled. "What are you doing?" Keith asked as he came over to them.

The Catsy put a gel on Lance's furry skin, surprisingly the gel didn't wet Lance's skin, it only made it silky so the device could move with ease.

"It's an ultrasound, nothing harmful." He said as he circled the device on Lance's abdomen. Lance had worry all over his face, very confused as to why he was having an ultrasound.

Humming to himself, the nurse turned the machine to the small but growing Galra family. "Can I ask you a personal question?"

The two of them hesitantly nodded. "Have you engaged in intercourse lately?"

Both Lance and Keith's eyes widened in shock at the bluntly obvious question but they knew it was a good idea to answer it. "Yes, about a month ago." Keith stated. "Why?..." Lance asked cautiously.

"Well....Your Pregnant."

Hey, sorry it's another short one.

I wrote this down in class on paper because I didn't want to waste my data. My hand hurt so much after it because I'm a perfectionist. Lol.

Have a great day or night 😊

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